Category Archives: Wargaming

Naval Wargaming SITREP: “That’s a Lot of Jammers”

By Dmitry Filipoff

More than two weeks after we announced our new naval wargaming initiative, we have gained more than 100 members on our dedicated CIMSEC wargaming discord server. Members have gotten together to play and enjoy demonstrations of new naval wargames, and to casually discuss geopolitics of course. This all makes for an exciting start to our growing community.

Today I will be running a live demonstration of Nebulous Fleet Command from 730-8pm (Eastern), this Friday, March 4. Join us on the demonstration channel in the discord server and watch a demo of a recently released and hotly anticipated naval wargame. Stick around afterward to play some rounds or spectate some live multiplayer matches. From fleet force structure customization to missile salvo tactics, Nebulous offers an exciting and robust naval wargaming experience. Enjoy some Nebulous content below and feel free to join us for tonight’s demonstration. We hope to wargame with you soon!

Join our public CIMSEC Wargaming Discord server here.

Targeted by illuminators and jammers, an enemy battleship takes devastating anti-ship missile and railgun fire.

Another enemy battleship takes even more devastating anti-ship missile and railgun fire.

A heavy cruiser closes with an opposing fleet.

Friendly fleet formations set course at the opening of a match.

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content. Contact him at

Featured Image: Battleship riddled by shots (Nebulous Fleet Command screenshot by Dmitry Filipoff)

Announcing The CIMSEC Naval Wargaming Community Server — Demonstration on February 18

By Dmitry Filipoff

Today CIMSEC is launching a new platform dedicated to naval wargaming — our very own CIMSEC Wargaming Discord server. On this public server, members of the CIMSEC community will gather to play and spectate wargames focused on naval operations and tactics, among other varieties. Through wargaming we can flex our tactical thinking, debate force structure and operating concepts, and generally have a good time with our navalist friends and colleagues.

Join our public CIMSEC Wargaming Discord here.

This community can play all kinds of wargames available today. But for our initial organized activities, we will be mainly focusing on a hotly anticipated and newly released naval wargaming title — Nebulous Fleet Command. Among available naval wargames, Nebulous strongly stands out. Whether in terms of missile salvo combat and sensor mechanics, or force structure and fleet customization, Nebulous is an especially engaging and highly refined naval combat wargame.

For our first gathering on Friday, February 18 from 730-8pm (Eastern Time), join me on our Discord server to watch a live demonstration of Nebulous Fleet Command. (Owning the game is not necessary to spectate.) Feel free to stick around for further fun and exploration. Check out our server channels for Nebulous gameplay guides, development progress updates, and media of in-game content. Enjoy some Nebulous clips below of fleet customization and high-intensity naval combat.

The heavy cruiser USS Nimitz defends against an anti-ship missile salvo.

In the face of heavy jamming, a naval formation uses illuminators to target and fire an anti-ship missile salvo.

Customizing the heavy cruiser USS Nimitz in the fleet editor, and swapping between heavy cannons, railguns, and vertical launch systems, followed by anti-ship missile variants.

Soon we will announce the timing of our regular community fight nights, and some competitive wargaming tournaments may even be in the offing. Join our public wargaming server today and stay tuned for more updates.

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content. Contact him at

Featured Image: Screenshot of Nebulous Fleet Command by Dmitry Filipoff