For Media Inquiries, please contact [email protected]
Elected Officers:
President: Chris Stockdale
[email protected]
Vice President and Director of Online Content: Dmitry Filipoff
[email protected]
Victor President and Director of Operations: Adam Yang
Director of Outreach: Ed Salo
[email protected]
Director of Social Media: Drew Higgins
Director of Membership: Christian Fernandez
[email protected]
Treasurer: Michael DiCianna
[email protected]
Volunteer Officer and Intern Positions:
Flotilla Community Manager
Dmitry Filipoff
[email protected]
Senior Editors
Collin Fox
Sarah Johnson
Dylan Phillips-Levine
Trevor Phillips-Levine
Walker Mills
James Martin
Claude Berube
Jasper Campbell
Senior Technical Advisor: Armando Heredia
Executive Producer of the Sea Control Podcast: Jonathan Selling
[email protected]
Co-Hosts of the Sea Control Podcast:
Alexia Bouallagui
J. Overton
Brian Kerg
Walker Mills
Associate Producers of the Sea Control Podcast:
Andrew Frame
Dr. Edward Salo
Marie Williams
Joshua Groover
Alexia Bouallagui
Nathan Williams
William McQuiston
Jim Jarvie
David Suchyta
Jonathan Selling
Chairman of the Board of Directors:
[email protected]
Board of Directors:
Christopher Stockdale-Garbutt
Maura Thompson
Dr. Alex Clarke
Dr. John Jordan “Patsy” Klein
Andrew Poulin
Scott Cheney-Peters
About the Positions:
Provided below are the descriptions of each position’s duties and responsibilities as written in our Bylaws. At the same time, these are not all-encompassing lists – we’re highly supportive of any initiatives an officer would like to take within the purview of their office. With the below responsibilities comes the opportunity to make a real difference in developing the leading edge of global maritime conversations and analysis. We hope you’ll consider running in future elections!
The President is the senior executive officer of the Organization and shall, under the supervision of the Board:
- Administer the affairs of the Organization;
- Formulate and execute procedures, programs, and directives necessary to carry out approved policies;
- Keep the Board advised of issues requiring its attention and offering strategic issues and policies for approval along with the Officers’ recommendations;
- Formulate and maintain the Organization’s conflict of interest policy as approved by the Board.
The Vice President shall:
- Preside in the absence of the President;
- Be assigned such other duties as the President may direct;
- Coordinate the operations and activities of the other Officers under the President’s supervision;
- Oversee the Organization’s internship program;
- Acts as the secondary disburser and provides oversight of the treasurer’s accounting.
The Treasurer shall:
- Have charge and custody of, and be responsible for, all funds of the Organization, and deposit all such funds in the name of the Organization in a bank or other depository approved by The Board;
- Keep and maintain accounts of the Organization’s financial transactions;
- Render a statement of the financial condition of the Organization at all meetings of The Board;
- Be the disbursing officer of the Organization;
- Arrange for an annual audit of the accounts of the Organization;
- File the Organization’s required tax paperwork;
- Provide financial reports as required by the Organization;
- Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
The Director of Outreach shall:
- Support the Vice President in the execution of their duties, including external partnerships;
- Establish, maintain, and enhance relations with similar counterpart organizations within the United States and internationally;
- Recommend for approval the establishment of partnerships with counterpart organizations to the Officers, and in furtherance of Organization goals.
- Maintain and manage access and posting to all Organization official social media channels;
- Develop and implement a social media posting guidelines and best practices policy for the organization;
- Coordinate and assist the Director of Online Content and Journal Editor with the posting of pertinent content;
- Raise any social media abuse issues in a timely manner with The Board for discussion and resolution
- Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
The Director of Online Content shall:
- Be responsible for maintaining a steady supply of timely and engaging online written, audio, and graphic content for the Center for International Security’s website, and podcasts;
- Maintain a list of Blog co-editors;
- Maintain Blog writing guidelines and standards;
- Maintain Blog posting schedule and integration into social media outlets;
- Maintain the Organization’s publications, including but not limited to a long-form Journal, collected works from the Blog content, and compendiums;
- Maintain a list of co-editors;
- Maintain Journal writing guidelines and standards;
- Manage the Journal editorial schedule and distribution plan;
- Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
The Director of Membership shall:
- Maintain and manage the Organization membership application and master membership list;
- Develop and implement a membership guidelines document and welcome aboard email/package for the Organization;
- Raise any membership issues or application questions in a timely manner with The Board for discussion and resolution;
- Support and assist chapter presidents to establish and organize local chapters;
- Perform such other duties as the President may direct.
The Board of Directors shall:
- Provide strategic guidance to the Organization and Officers;
- Approve strategic matters by a majority vote of those present. Strategic matters are any deemed as such by a majority vote of those present;
The Chairman of the Board shall:
- Convene and preside over meetings of the Board, including bringing issues to vote;
- Act as intermediary between the Board and the Officers, conveying strategic direction, as determined by the Board, to the President and other Officers;
- Not vote on matters before the Board unless required to break a tie.
Candidates for Chairman may also stand for election as a Member of the Board. Candidates for both positions must be General Members at the time of the voting.