By Natalie Sambhi
Recorded along the sidelines of this year’s Shangri-La
Dialogue in Singapore, find out how the region’s top strategic thinkers reacted to the big speeches, the posturing of the U.S. and China, the way forward on maritime disputes and the other security challenges we should be paying attention to like ISIS and climate change.

Natalie Sambhi interviews an all-star cast featuring Professor Rommel Banlaoi (Philippine Institute for Peace, Violence and Terrorism Research), Mr. Graeme Dobell (Australian Strategic Policy Institute), Ms. Bonnie Glaser (Center for Strategic and International Studies), Dr. Euan Graham (Lowy Institute for International Policy, Australia), Ms. Mercedes Page (Australian Strategic Policy Institute), Ms. Janet Dyah Ekawati (independent defence consultant, Indonesia) and Mr. Dzirhan Madadzir (Janes Defence Weekly, Malasysia).
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