Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 76 – Australia’s Iran Intel Deal

seacontrol2In this week’s podcast, we try to make sense of Australia’s intelligence deal with Iran. The country’s Foreign Minister has explained that the informal arrangement will assist in gathering intelligence about Australian foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria. But major opposition parties in Australia as well as Australia’s alliance partner, the United States, have expressed concern about the deal.

Why has Australia done this deal? What kind of complications arise? What does this mean for our Five Eyes intelligence sharing arrangements?

To answer these questions and more, Sea Control: Asia-Pacific host Natalie Sambhi interviews Dr Andrew Davies, senior analyst for defence capability at the Australian Strategic Policy Institute in Canberra.

DOWNLOAD: Australia’s Iran Intel Deal


Sea Control 75 – Surface Fleet Warfare Tactics Instructors

seacontrol2RDML James Kilby, Commander of the Naval Surface Warfighting Development Center, joins to discuss the new Warfare Tactics Instructor program he is leading. Some of the newest officers with the newest tactics are being brought together to build a cadre of warfighting experts. These junior experts will be used to spread war fighting capability and updated knowledge to the fleet.

Surface Fleet Warfare Tactics Instructors

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Host and Production: Matthew Hipple
Audio Refinement: Dmitry Filipof
Break Song: Sam LaGrone

Sea Control 74: Falklands Series 5 – South Georgia Ops

seacontrol2This is the story of Christopher Nunn in his own words, the Captain in command of M Company 42 Commando, who was sent to South Georgia  as part of Operation Paraquet – the first stage of the Falklands and the opening salvo and statement of intent that would set the stage for all that was to come. It was also possibly the most risky operation of the war, as the British forces deployed were completely self-dependent with no possibility of support.

DOWNLOAD: Falklands South Georgia Ops

Remember, subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher Stream Radio. Leave a comment and rate five stars!

Host: Alexander Clarke
Editing: Matthew Hipple
Music: Britain!

Sea Control 73 – Iran Ascendant?

seacontrol2With the P5+1 Iran Nuclear deal on the table last week, we turn our eyes to Iran and her varied global and regional machinations. Is Iran ascendant, over-stretched, or is it a wash? Friend of the podcast Behnam Ben Taleblu joins us again to discuss the Iran nuclear deal, as well as Iranian regional military and political operations.

DOWNLOAD: Sea Control 73 – Iran Ascendant?

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Host and Editing: Matthew Hipple
Music: Sam LaGrone