Tag Archives: events

Sep 29: CIMSEC DC Chapter Maritime Security Book Swap and Happy Hour

To take advantage of the great creative outpouring of CIMSEC’s DC chapter and *hopefully* the weather, w74d05a541a18fe35e8b88ebff88176e1e’ll be holding our Sept. Happy Hour at the Dacha Beer Garden and encouraging folks to bring their latest work (books, articles, reports, knitting, etc.) to trade, sell, or sign. Don’t have one of your own? Consider bringing an old book of interest to a maritime security crowd. As always, the more the merrier and arrive early if you want to snag a seat. RSVPs encouraged: [email protected].

When: Tues, Sept 29th: 4:30pm – 8:00pm (arrive any time, but come early for a seat)
Where: Dacha Beer Garden, 1600 7th St NW, Washington, DC (Shaw / U Street Metro)


CIMSEC’s “Pentagon Wars” Screening with Jamie Malanowski

Join our DC chapter on August 12th for its screening of the critically acclaimed film “Pentagon Wars” with teleplay co-author, Jamie Malanowski.


Pentagon Wars is a dark comedy (based on the  similarly named James G. Burton book ) describing the development of the M2 Bradley fighting vehicle. The film stars Kelsey Grammer, Cary Elwes, Viola Davis, and John C. McGinley. The Center for International Maritime Security (CIMSEC) organized this event to foster discussion on defense acquisition reform. Mr. Malanowski will also have his latest work “Commander Will Cushing: Daredevil Hero of the Civil War” on hand.

As CIMSEC’s first ever film screening, this event will be a great opportunity to appreciate all the finer aspects of the defense acquisition process (and to share a few laughs)!

DATE: Wednesday, August 12, 2015
TIME: 5:30 PM; Anticipate film start 6:00pm but late arrivals okay!
VENUE: The Heritage Foundation, 214 Mass Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002
RSVP:  RSVPs appreciated but not required (Email [email protected])

Invite to CIMSEC SCS Wargame Crowd-Sourcing Phase

The Economist SCS ClaimsThis year, CIMSEC’s DC chapter is holding a series of participatory events focusing on different maritime security challenges and disputes. To do so, we’re using an experimental event format with elements of wargamming, simulation, ideation, and crowd-sourcing to elicit creative insights. Our live events will be followed by online crowd-sourcing phases in which the outputs the CIMSEC community at large is invited to participate.

The first of these events attempts to aid crisis management planners dealing with the South China Sea by cataloging the range of possible actions and drawing insights about their potential effectiveness in achieving their initiator’s objectives.

The objectives developed by each of the country teams are listed on our wargames page. To participate, help us evaluate the developed actions on their effectiveness here. If you have a potential action you’d like to propose as part of the crowd-sourcing phase, you can also do so at the above link – just ensure you are not duplicating an existing entry. The first stage will begin with claimant state actions. Non-claimant actions will be introduced soon – so hold on to your good ideas. Whether evaluating the proposals or developing your own it is important to keep in mind the prompt on our wargames page given to our participants and conditions for the action.

CIMSEC content is and always will be free; consider a voluntary monthly donation to offset our operational costs. As always, it is your support and patronage that have allowed us to build this community – and we are incredibly grateful.
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