CAPT Rodgers, former CO of the USS PONCE Afloat Forward Staging Base, discusses how his ad-hoc crew of Sailors and civilian mariners plucked a 40 year old ship from decommissioning’s doorstep and turned it into the most in-demand platform in the Arabian Gulf.
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All images from CAPT Rodger’s unclassified post-deployment presentation on USS PONCE.

Why isn’t the USS Mt Whitney the command and control ship of choice? (Blue Ridge too). Am I missing something?
I have been embarked all those ships. The Ponce was still a LSD.
Go figure.
Ponce was always an LPD… similar, but not at all an LSD. Nice try, shipmate.
The Ponce is not a C&C ship. It is an afloat staging platform for SOF.
I’ve was embarked on PONCE. Awesome ship with a great crew.
Just a correction to Chieftain6…USS Ponce was an LPD, not an LSD. I proudly served aboard it from 1972-76.