Philippine Navy Frigate Program: An OPV by Any Other Name?

By Armando J. Heredia The Philippine Navy has unveiled bidding specifications to purchase it’s first new major surface combatant in several decades. Titled “Frigate Acquisition Program,” this key milestone of the Capability Upgrade Program will reorient the nation’s military from decades of COIN operations and enable a credible defense against conventionally-armed opponents. A closer look at … Continue reading Philippine Navy Frigate Program: An OPV by Any Other Name?

Death of a Fisherman

Taiwan on Sunday sent a task force of three Coast Guard Administration vessels and one Lafayette-class navy frigate to waters near the northern Philippines, joining a Knox-class frigate already in the area. The move follows the death of a Taiwanese fisherman last Thursday that has strained ties between the neighbors. The 65-year-old fisherman was aboard … Continue reading Death of a Fisherman