Join CIMSEC’s DC chapter for an evening happy hour discussion on PLA reform and Asia-Pacific security from a regional perspective.
Featured Discussant: CHANG, Ching, a retired career officer of over 30 years from the Republic of China Navy and a maritime strategist as well as a leading PLA expert in Taiwan. Dr. Chang is also a frequent contributor to CIMSEC, and will offer a presentation on PLA military reform and regional security in the Asia-Pacific region. Dr. Chang attends various functions on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to understand security matters and can provide a uniquely informed perspective.
Time: Wednesday, 12 September, 6:00-8:00pm
Place: Fuel Pizza Farragut Square, 1606 K St NW, Washington, DC 20006 (via Farragut North or West Metro Station).
RSVPs not necessary but appreciated: