Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 48 (East Atlantic) – Falklands Series Introduction

seacontrol2Alex Clarke of Phoenix Think Tank discusses his upcoming Sea Control Falklands series with associate editor Chris Stockdale.

Sea Control 48: Falklands Series Introduction

Dear Listener

This is a series which is the very definition of mission creep. It started out as one podcast and has now grown into something with batches of them. It is great fun to do, and I very much hope that more service personnel, and anyone else with a story about the conflict they think the world should know, will be motivated by these to get in contact and take part.

These podcasts include a panel with Michael Clapp, Julian Thompson and Jeremy Larken discussing the command situation, strategy and thinking of the Amphibious Task Group, the accounts of three RM commanders including Christopher Nunn who commanded M Company of 42 Commando – the Company which was dispatched to carry out Operation Paraquet (the recovery of South Georgia), and these are just some of the people and history within them.

There are notes though which need to be made; for all of these accounts, it must be remembered that it is thirty two years since the events of 1982. Some misspeaks did occur, many were corrected straight away, but in the case of Christopher Nunn for example realised when listening to the podcast that he referred to Admiral Lewin, when he meant to refer to Admiral Leach (he didn’t request a do-over, but wanted to make sure it was corrected in the notes, so as to preserve the flow of the original).

Ultimately though, I hope you enjoy these podcasts as much as I enjoyed recording them.

Yours sincerely

Alexander Clarke

Sea Control 47 – British and American Surface Warfare Officers

seacontrol2Jon Paris joins us to discuss his article, The Virtue of Being a Generalist, Part 1: A Day in the Life of Sub Lieutenant Snodgrass. We compare the Royal Navy and US Navy processes of creating officers for their surface fleet, the nature of being a maritime “professional,” improvements for the American model, and generally gab on for about 36 minutes.

DOWNLOAD: British and American Surface Warfare Officers

We are available on Itunes, Stitcher Stream Radio, etc… Remeber to subscribe, leave a comment and a 5-star rating.

Sea Control 46 (Asia Pacific) – Indonesia Primer

seacontrol2This week, Sea Control Asia Pacific brings you a primer on Indonesia: what do its recent elections mean for its global role? The largest state in Southeast Asia as well as a stable, Muslim majority democracy, Indonesia is always said to have ‘great potential’ both as a regional power and global player. With a newly elected president, could Indonesia do more in international affairs? To answer that question, Natalie Sambhi, of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, interviews Dr Peter McCawley, an expert in Indonesian economics, and Dr Ross Tapsell, an expert in media and Indonesia studies, both from the Australian National University. They discuss Indonesia’s national priorities, a future foreign policy, the economy and the state of democratic politics.

DOWNLOAD: Sea Control 46: Indonesia Primer

We are available on Itunes, Stitcher Stream Radio, etc… Remeber to subscribe, leave a comment and a 5-star rating.

Sea Control 45 – West Africa Naval Development

seacontrol2This week, we discuss naval development in West Africa with Dirk Steffen of Risk Intelligence and Paul Pryce of the NATO Council of Canada, We cover the challenges of developing state maritime security apparatus, particularly procurement, capabilities & training, as well as the rising challenges of private demand for security vs. public supply that can cause corruption, confusion, as well as innovation.

DOWNLOAD Sea Control 45:
West African Naval Development

We are available on Itunes, Stitcher Stream Radio, etc… Remeber to subscribe, leave a comment and a 5-star rating.