Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 112 – Australia’s 2016 Defence White Paper

Australia’s Defence White Paper, submarines and scotch? Sounds like a recipe for a fun time.

Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, launches the 2016 Defence White Paper at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra. *** Local Caption *** On 25 February 2016, the Prime Minister, The Hon Malcolm Turnbull, MP, and the Minister for Defence, Senator The Hon Marise Payne released the 2016 Defence White Paper, the Integrated Investment Program and the Defence Industry Policy Statement. Together, these three documents set out the Government's direction to Defence to guide our strategy, capability, and organisational and budget planning.

Get ready for a special joint episode with the Perth USAsia Centre’s Perspectives podcast series. In this episode, Kyle Springer, Program Associate at the Perth US Asia Centre, asks Natalie Sambhi, host of Sea Control: Asia Pacific, and Reed Foster, retired US Army officer and defence capabilities analyst at IHS Jane’s, to share their thoughts on the newly-released Australian Defence White Paper 2016. Kyle asks whether Australia faces any conventional threats, and the trio also discusses major capability acquisitions planned by the white paper including submarines, international engagement with countries like the US and Indonesia, and ponders a hypothetical scenario posed by a ballistic missile-capable North Korea.

This week’s episode features the guests sipping on Bowmore 12-year old Scotch Whisky.

CIMSEC Australia Defence White Paper 2016

Image courtesy of the Australian Department of Defence.

Sea Control 111 – Vietnam-Era Drones (QH-50)

seacontrol2We discuss the Vietnam-era drone, the QH-50 DASH, with Peter Papadakos – engineer, historian, and son of the DASH’s inventor. We go through the program’s origins, its original purpose, the field modifications made by enterprising Vietnam-era officers, and the challenges that came with its operation and the institutional resistance to its use. This podcast was inspired by BJ Armstrong’s Armed Forces Journal Article, Unmanned Naval Warfare: Retrospect and Prospect.

DOWNLOAD: Vietnam Era Drones

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Sea Control 110 – Small Arms Control and the South Pacific

This week Natalie Sambhi interviews fellow Aussie Laura Spano, Arms Control Manager with the Centre for Armed Violence Reduction and Pacific Regional Coordinator for 2385627680_e6f8561069_bControl Arms. They discuss small arms flows globally before focussing on the impacts of illicit arms flows, as a result of weak maritime security, into the South Pacific Islands—a region of great strategic importance to Australia. Laura explains the Arms Trade Treaty and how UN regimes on arms control are essential for development in Australia’s closest region.

DOWNLOAD Sea Control 110

You can follow Laura on Twitter @lspano27

For a quick glance at the Arms Trade Treaty, check out this fact sheet.

Image courtesy of Flickr user Teknorat.

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Sea Control 109 – CAPT Raimondo & Navy FITREPS

CAPT Jim Raimondo of the United States Navy joins Sea Control for a discussion on Navy Fitness Reports (FITREPS) as well as his time working on Iraq, Iran, and Russia. CAPT Raimondo is a Federal Executive Fellow with the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy as well as a fleet representative for the U.S. Naval Institute. He is participating in a Navy working group examining reforms to FITREPs. He formerly served as the senior EUCOM representative in the Pentagon and as an planner for the 2011 transition in Iraq.

Sea Control 109 – CAPT Raimondo, FITREPS, and Navy Challenges

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