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Breaking the Naval Impasse on the U.S. Icebreaker Program

This article originally featured on the Fletcher Forum of World Affairs and is republished with permission. Read it in its original form here.

By Max Schreiber

America’s military vessels brave contested waters, hurricanes, tropical storms, and other chaos—so why is the presence of U.S. Navy ships in the Arctic so limited? The Arctic, after all, is no longer just vast icebergs floating around like sentinels of death, surrounded by silence more oppressive than its cold—it is now a major geopolitical prize in the Great Power Competition between the United States, China, and Russia. 

The Arctic has relevance to every facet of this struggle. Energy? The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that one-eighth of the world’s untapped oil reserves and one-third of its natural gas reserves lie in the Arctic. Trade? The Arctic’s three trade routes—the Northwest Passage (above Canada), the Northern Sea Route (above Russia), and the Central Arctic Route (between Iceland and the Bering Strait, through the North Pole)—will soon subsume a substantial share of shipping, by some accounts five percent of global maritime traffic in 2030 and with no sign of slowing down. Political-military risk? The Russian Navy’s elite Northern Fleet recently expanded its area-of-responsibility specifically to secure the Northern Sea Route, and China proclaimed itself a “near Arctic” state as it begins to establish a “Polar Silk Road” of influence and commerce in the region (“near” does a lot of work there). In fact, China and Russia are cooperating in the Arctic, as evidenced by their joint naval patrol near the U.S. Aleutian Islands in 2023.

The Great Powers in the Arctic

The Great Power Competition in the Arctic will be won with icebreakers—highly specialized naval vessels capable of slicing directly through polar ice that would crush traditional ships and withstanding “storms that can ice over superstructures until ships become so top-heavy they capsize.” Currently, complete exploration, shipping, and patrol of the Arctic is impossible without them. Yet, there is a stark imbalance among the Great Powers in their icebreaking capabilities. China, located 800 miles away from the Arctic at its closest point, operates two existing icebreakers (with a third on the way) and is developing nuclear-powered technology for these vessels. Russia has a fleet of forty-six icebreakers, including three nuclear-powered ships for extended Arctic patrols, and has recently launched a new “class of combat icebreakers with high-speed guns and launchers for anti-ship and land-attack cruise missiles.” Both Russia and China have centralized their icebreaker programs under their navies, underscoring their view of these ships as military assets.

In contrast, America’s icebreaker program is in disarray. The U.S. government has only two operational icebreakers—the decades-old Polar Star and the Healy—and neither of them are capable of year-round operations. Plans to build a new fleet of six to nine icebreakers, through the Polar Security Cutter (PSC) program, are faltering. This joint venture between the Navy and Coast Guard is vastly over budget and behind schedule, already exceeding procurement cost by 39 percent, with the first delivery expected in 2029—four years late. Unlike Russia and China, the U.S. has no serious plan to equip its developing icebreakers with nuclear power. Moreover, while the Navy has some involvement in procurement and construction of the icebreakers, the Coast Guard alone is responsible for their operations. This is important because the Navy is the U.S. military’s forward-deployed, combat-oriented force, while the Coast Guard is structured primarily for homeland defense. This organizational divide means that the purpose, posture, and operational reach of America’s icebreakers are dangerously mismatched with those of its primary adversaries in the Arctic.

The Need for a U.S. Navy Icebreaker Program

Accordingly, the U.S. Congress and the President must enact legislation requiring the Navy to build and operate its own combat-oriented icebreaker program to secure our national interests in the Arctic. The Navy is unlikely to take on this role voluntarily. In 2023, the former Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, underscored this reluctance when he deflected questions about icebreaker procurement to the Coast Guard, making it clear that he did not view the program as the Navy’s responsibility. Currently, the Coast Guard is the only branch of the U.S. military legally tasked with “develop[ing], establish[ing], maintain[ing], and operat[ing] icebreaking facilities.” Without a mandate, the Navy has shown no intention to expand its footprint into the icebreaking business. Notably, Gilday’s 2022 Navigation Plan, which outlines the Navy’s strategic goals through 2045, does not even acknowledge the Arctic as a major global maritime shipping route, nor does it identify potential geographic choke points in the region. In 2020, then-Secretary of the Navy, Kenneth Braithwaite, acknowledged the importance of icebreakers in front of Congress, but stated that “it is not a mission that is central to the United States Navy” and is one it “rel[ies] on the Coast Guard to provide.” However, leaving this critical program solely with the Coast Guard—a service with less than 10 percent the Navy’s size and budget—neglects U.S. strategic interests in the Arctic.

U.S. presence in the Arctic requires a robust naval combat capability which the Coast Guard cannot provide alone. In his 2001 commentary on the differences between the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, Professor Colin Gray of the Naval War College identified three unique characteristics of the Navy, all of which are implicated by the icebreaker program. 

Firstthe Navy “takes its tune … from control (even command) of the high seas.” This means the first duty of “the premier navy, is to control sea lines of communication—to allow or deny access to the sea, thence across it, and finally to the land, where humankind lives.” However, without an active icebreaker presence in the Arctic, the Navy is voluntarily denying itself full access to the Arctic leaving gaps for its adversaries—namely Russia and China, to aggressively expand and militarize their icebreaker presence. 

Second, the Navy’s commitment to “boldly go … where great navies have feared to sail” is undermined by its repudiation of icebreaking operations. Failing to establish a surface presence in the Arctic with icebreakers could yield an “asymmetric [] equalizer” for adversaries, a risk that becomes more imminent as polar ice melts and access to the Arctic increases. 

Third, and most importantly, “the navy of a superpower that aspires to protect commerce and international order globally has no responsible choice other than to pursue excellence virtually wherever military science takes it, however serendipitously.” Russia and China are actively moving the Great Power Competition to the Arctic: Russia is arming its icebreakers with anti-ship weapons and cruise missiles, both nations are regularly patrolling the Arctic seas with icebreakers, and heavily investing in nuclear technology for these vessels. While icebreakers are certainly necessary for the Coast Guard’s missions—including search and rescue, navigation, environmental protection, interdiction, and ice operations—Russia and China have embraced icebreakers as dual-use assets that squarely address the Navy’s purpose. Moreover, the Navy and Air Force’s existing submarine and aircraft presence in the Arctic is inadequate for the Great Power Competition. Submarines and aircraft alone cannot “clear a path for critical shipping, respond to oil spills, or conduct maritime safety and security boardings in the U.S. Arctic”—let alone accomplish more strategic goals of sea control and power projection in the region.

Separately from the mission, Congress and the President should also require an independent Navy icebreaker program due to the Coast Guard’s ongoing struggles in procuring and constructing the vessels. This summer, the United States recently signed the ICE Pact with Finland and Canada to build seventy to ninety new icebreakers over the next decade. While this agreement will help expand America’s icebreaker fleet, it relies on Finland—which can build a polar-class vessel in two years at just 25 percent of the cost of in America—to handle construction. This outsourcing is, frankly, an embarrassment. The poor outcomes in the PSC program may stem in part from its joint structure: since the Coast Guard operates the icebreakers, the PSC program lacks the Navy’s full commitment. The Navy hasn’t fully leveraged its size, money, expertise and influence to drive efficiency or accelerate progress of the program, while the Coast Guard remains constrained by the Navy’s budget authority. Furthermore, each service can deflect blame onto the other in congressional oversight hearings, complicating accountability for the program’s setbacks.

In some ways, the PSC Program inverts the issues between space operators and Air Force leadership that precipitated the United States Space Force. There, space operators’ lack of independence in the DAF—which is traditionally led by pilots—meant space operations and acquisition were deprioritized. With icebreakers however, the lack of substantial direct involvement by the Navy—especially in operations—may be depriving the military of considerable influence that could expedite and improve the development of these critical vessels.


The Arctic is poised to become a critical arena in the Great Power Competition. Thus, to ensure the U.S. is strategically postured in this region, incoming-President Donald J. Trump should work with Congress to enact legislation mandating that the Navy build its own combat-oriented icebreaker fleet—which, upon completion, can sustain a U.S. surface warfare presence in the Arctic.

Max Schreiber is an active-duty intelligence officer with the 76 Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Squadron (Wright-Patterson Air Force Base) and public interest attorney with the Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute. His academic interests include executive power in foreign affairs and the use of diplomacy and pre-conflict military power to achieve national objectives; he has published on these topics in journals such as The Journal of Advanced Military Studies, Aether (the Air Force’s official strategy journal), and The Towson Journal of International Affairs. He is a graduate of Harvard Law School and Duke University (electronic and computer engineering).

Featured Image: The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star operates near two seals off the shore of Antarctica, Jan. 16, 2017. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Chief Petty Officer David Mosley)

Does it Matter if You Call it a Wargame? Actually, yes.

By Phillip Pournelle

Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming and this abuse of nomenclature has real consequences. Wargame-like activities, if conducted properly, are necessary and valuable, but the Department needs to do a better job of differentiating between true wargames, and wargame-like activities. Understanding the types and styles of wargames and wargame-like activities, when which is appropriate, what they look like, and what they can do for you is critical. Without a proper understanding of what a wargame is, and what it is not, the Department of Defense risks wasting money, time, and talent. It has become is all too common that a group of people together having an unstructured conversation is referred to as a “wargame,” and then the sponsor claims to be better prepared for having done it. Such claims are tautological, self-serving, and do not advance organizational learning.

Over the years, the analytic and wargaming community has developed a set of tools with known standards and expectations. Leadership in the Department of Defense should familiarize themselves with them because government sponsors control the larger analytic ecosystem. Better informed customers and sponsors will be able to responsibly choose designers and events appropriate to their purpose and thus generate good strategies.

This article will briefly describe different types and styles of wargames and wargame-like activities, when they are appropriate, what they look like, and what you get out of them (and just as importantly, what you don’t get out of them). It is focused on wargaming and analysis in support of the Department of Defense, not wargaming for education or entertainment.

Wargaming and Strategy

Defense analytic wargaming’s purpose is to assist in the development of good strategy. Thus, we should first examine what good strategy looks like and how wargame-like activities and wargaming can assist in the development of strategy. Defined by Richard Rumelt a good strategy is:

“…in the end, a hypothesis about what will work… A good strategy has at a minimum, three essential components:

  • A diagnosis of the situation
  • The choice of an overall guiding policy
  • And the design of coherent action.

Consequently, a good strategy goes beyond the minimum elements of “ends, ways, and means” described in most defense strategy textbooks. And, as many can attest to, the enemy has a vote. Accordingly, a good strategy contains a crucial element:

“In general, strategic leverage arises from a mixture of anticipation, insight into what is most pivotal or critical in a situation, and making a concerted application of effort… the most critical anticipations are about the behavior of others, especially rivals.”

When a military service, or other organization, claims they have “wargamed” a concept, it implies they have followed the best practices described in Joint Publication 5-0; a series of iterative games against thinking opponents in a cycle of research to develop a good strategy. In essence, they have subjected the concept in question to a clash of competing hypothesis (theories of victory) in a dialectic crucible and conducted follow up analysis. To have done less than this means such a label conveys a false imprimatur, but unfortunately it happens all the time.

Often concepts are not ready for wargaming because they lack the essential components of a good strategy. Conducting a wargame on a strategy like this is a waste of time, talent, and resources. Before bringing in teams to participate in wargames or wargame-like activities concepts should be assessed using Structured Analytic Techniques, Intelligence Analysis, Liberating Structures, and Red Teaming techniques to diagnose the situation and divine an effective overall guiding policy. To use an American football analogy, the new coach of a team needs to take a hard look at his playbook with coaches and coordinators over the summer to determine if the playbook will be effective against the other teams in the league before the the season starts. 

Definition Wars

While some experts do not believe the exact definition of wargaming matters, those of us who deliver wargames to sponsors in the Department of Defense and other government agencies in support of developing good strategy strongly believe that discussions over ontology and taxonomy are extremely important. Correct taxonomy ensures the right tool is employed to address the right question. Wargame sponsors need to understand the full set of tools available and when to use them because they control the larger analytic ecosystem.

There is a general consensus within the defense professional community regarding what wargame is. The Joint Staff offers a definition for the Department of Defense: “Wargames are representations of conflict or competition in a synthetic environment, in which people make decisions and respond to the consequences of those decisions.”

The Joint Staff has identified best practices for wargaming in JP 5-0. Wargaming is most effective when it involves the following elements:

1. A well-developed, valid Course of Action
2. People making decisions
3. A fair, competitive environment (i.e., the game should have no rules or procedures designed to tilt the playing field toward one side or another)
4. Adjudication
5. Consequences of actions
6. Iteration (i.e., new insights will be gained as games are iterated)

Other wargaming professional publications agree that the critical elements of a wargame are: factions in conflict or competition (live competitors), people making decisions, and revealing the consequences of those decisions. Talking vaguely about what you might do and not making choices undermines the entire point of a wargame. When wargames are properly done, they provide the participants a synthetic experience to enable an understanding of the perspective of other and thus to anticipate the actions of others, especially rivals, and the range of outcomes which can occur. Wargame-like analysis that does not meet these criteria can still be valuable, but it is important to recognize where it falls short and work toward designing a true wargame if that is the required level of analysis.

Table Top Exercises

Returning to our football analogy, having a playbook and a roster of players does not mean you are ready to play a game, and certainly not a championship. The quarterback and the receivers must know the routes which will be run. The linemen must know which play employs pass-blocking or rush-blocking, etc. Each element of the team must understand a play in order to execute it properly. The team’s walk throughs and practices are our wargame-like events and just as the coach can increase the difficulty until the team is conducting a full scrimmage, game designers can increase the complexity of wargame-like activities until the concepts and the players are ready for a clash with a professional red team.

Continuing our football team analogy, preparation begins with the players talking through the plays in the locker room on a chalkboard, which is akin to a Table Top Exercise. A table top exercise is a facilitated discussion of a scripted scenario in an informal, stress-free environment that is based on current applicable policies, plans, and procedures. A table top exercise is an informal, discussion-based session in which a team discusses their roles and responses during an emergency, walking through one or more example scenarios. The hypothetical situation is introduced, and the team members talk through what the response should be. A good table top exercise will employ maps and other visualizations to enable the participants to have a common understanding of the scenario and the actions of others in their organization. The key value of a table top exercise is to bring together participants from disparate organizations (e.g., Allies, Inter-Agency) to discuss how to coordinate whole of government(s) responses, identify who has jurisdictions, permissions, and authorities. The table top exercise is a wargame-like activity and the most common for many organizations which claim to conduct wargames.

Some table top exercises, such as those conducted by the Joint Staff J-8 Studies, Analysis and Gaming Division (SAGD), RAND corporation, and other organizations, will include the perspective of opposition forces (Red Team) represented by the intelligence community or professional emulation teams. But, the Red team in these cases is a minority member and does not have the full agency of action accorded to the collective Blue team.

Table top exercises are appropriate in a qualitative assessments of strengths and weaknesses. The key value of the table top exercise is to engage all stakeholders in a facilitated discussion to clarify inconsistencies and interpretations and determine if there are coherent policies and procedures. But, they are not appropriate to calculate outcomes as Red does not have full agency of actions nor is there an assessment of how effective any action would be, much less in the face of opposing actions and they do noy convey a full understanding of the risks and consequences of selected courses of action.

So, while a table top exercise is not a wargame, it is a valuable wargame-like activity which tests if a strategy is designed with coherent action known among its stakeholders and in some cases a perspective on the reaction of the opposition.

Rehearsal of Concept

Once our football team has talked through each of their actions in a play on the chalkboard and are now headed to the field to see if they can execute the plays, without opposition, essentially a rehearsal. A rehearsal is a session in which a staff or unit practices expected actions to improve performance during execution. Commanders use this tool to ensure staffs and subordinates understand the concept of operations and commander’s intent. A Rehearsal of Concept drill is a dry walk-through of a plan between a commander and their subordinates ensuring a shared understanding of the plan. Conducting a rehearsal of concept drill will enable a team to execute their elements of a concept within a game or exercise. Further the rehearsal of concept drill is likely to reveal elements of the concept or the execution plan which require additional refinement.

There are several variations of the rehearsal. The Sketch Map Rehearsals is a drill to help subordinate leaders visualize the commander’s intent and concept of operations. A Command Post Exercise is a training exercise that may be conducted in garrison or in the field. It’s the most common exercise used for training staffs, subordinate, and supporting leaders to successfully plan, coordinate, synchronize, and exercise command and control over operations during missions.

The rehearsal of concept drill, and its variants, will ensure the team has a coordinated plan which they can execute and assists in designing a strategy with and overall guiding policy and coherent action. As players demonstrate proficiency in the plan, experienced game designers and referees will introduce complications to see how brittle or robust the plan is in the face of friction. Like adding scrimmage players to a football team’s practice, game professionals will add murphy-isms, such as weather, washed out roads, accidents, injuries, missed communications, and other random (but not enemy induced) elements of friction. However valuable, a rehearsal of concept is still not a wargame. Like a football rehearsals, a rehearsal of concept lacks a thinking opponent ready and determined to undermine the concept and its components.


Our football coach has assessed his playbook, assigned players to their roles, had them walk through their part of the plays, then rehearsed the execution of the plays with greater challenges and scrimmages. Now his team is ready to play against opposition. In the same manner, the best practice is to subject a concept or strategy to Red Teaming and other analytic efforts, then conduct a table top exercise, then a rehearsal of concept before playing in a wargame against the thinking opponent. In our experience, attempting to play an immature concept or strategy with a team unfamiliar with the concept in a game leads to frustration and waste of resources, time, and talent.

Alternatively, a series of wargames is the acid test, a dialectic clash of opposing theories of victory against a thinking opponent. At the heart of this iterative process is a thinking opponent grappling with the mechanics of execution of competing plans or confounding your plan with a judo throw. William McCarty Little, who helped bring naval wargaming to the Naval War College in its early years, once argued that “the great secret of its power lies in the existence of the enemy, a live vigorous enemy in the next room waiting feverishly to take advantage of any of our mistakes, ever ready to puncture any visionary scheme, to haul us down to earth.” 

Fully exploring the consequences of the game and properly set the narrative of what occurred will require adjudication of the actions of the competing sides. Such adjudication will require implicit or explicit models or techniques to be defensible in and after the game. The adjudication techniques can be in the collective minds of the participants (Matrix Game), an expert or group of experts (Free Kriegspiel), or baked into the rules (Rigid Kriegspiel). A good game designer will select rules for a game, or elements of a game, based on our understanding of the phenomena the competition is occurring in and revise them in iterations of gaming and analysis, which should include other analytic techniques.

Rigor Versus Detail

When assessing the proper use of wargame-like events and various types and styles of wargames, do not mistake excessive detail for rigor.

Wargames are a shared experiential narrative that can have a powerful impact on participants, shaping the organizational learning of those who employ it. Therefore, it is crucial the game be founded in reality; using “valid knowledge of the environment.” If not, we risk conveying negative learning to a large group of people and sowing confusion potentially for years to come. It has been said: “The only thing harder than getting a new idea into the military mind is to get an old one out.” Wargame designers should follow the advice of Ms. Virginia “Robbin” Beall, the former lead operations analyst on the Navy staff, when she admonishes wargames must, like the Hippocratic Oath, “do no harm” and avoid conveying improper assumptions which set in the participants’ minds. For example, in one wargame, air-to-air refueling aircraft delivered the same amount of fuel to aircraft regardless of the range of the tanker from its home base. This exaggerated the effects of air power in the wargame, the minds of the participants, and the results.

A good wargame designer will design the game to address decisions the players are expected to make at the level of the role they are playing, and avoid detail for its own sake. There is no reason why the staff of a joint operational command should be involved in details of tactical units.


Much of what the Department of Defense calls wargaming is not actually wargaming, and that matters. These various “not-wargaming” exercises are still valuable as long as we recognize what we are doing and consciously select the appropriate tool in the strategy development process. Using an immature concept or strategy, or forcing a team who is not familiar with it, into a proper wargame is a waste of time and talent. On the other hand, a table top exercise is insufficient to test a strategy to see if it contains the elements of a good strategy, particularly the anticipations of the actions of rivals. The Department of Defense and other agencies must expect a proper level of rigor in its series of games in a Cycle of Research. Actual wargames require: A well-developed concept of operations (theory of victory); people making decisions; a fair, competitive environment; adjudication; consequences of actions; preferably in an iterative cycle of game and analysis.

When someone says they have wargamed a concept, that should mean, they have gone through this specific process and not that they only completed a simple table top exercise, or a rehearsal of concept. The widely used table top exercise is a wargame-like event, a necessary but not sufficient step in the process of acid testing a good strategy or concept. In these dangerous times the Department cannot afford to be complacent and be satisfied with a “good conversation,” but must actually grapple with the opposition in a synthetic environment, where the organization can learn without risking it all. Failing to wargame properly in advance may mean having to learn in actual combat and risk it all.

Phillip Pournelle served in the United States Navy as a Surface Warfare Officer, planner, and Operations Analyst for 26 years. He is an analyst, strategist, wargame designer, and science fiction author working at Group W. He has a master’s degree in operations analysis from the Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey.

Featured Image: U.S. Marine Corps officers assigned to the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) conduct a wargaming scenario aboard Amphibious Assault Ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), Oct. 22, 2021. (USMC photo by Cpl. Yvonna Guyette)

Dark Ocean

Fiction Week

By Vince Vanterpool

LT Corbin Jasmin wandered down to the wardroom to get some “fresh” coffee. The lights in the wardroom were dimmed for darkened ship, creating a very relaxed atmosphere despite the persistent shuddering of bulkheads from the high-speed transit. The ship, an older Flight III Arleigh Burke, has been travelling east at top speed for two days now, taking seemingly random maneuvers in a strange, evasive pattern. Corbin stood in front of the Japanese coffee machine, something more akin to a soda dispenser with bright lights and vibrant colors. There were a series of options available on the touch screen above the spout, from dark roast to long espressos. Corbin stood before the screen and hesitated about which one; his finger hovered over the various options. It feels like an eternity, a full sixty seconds, before he settles on simple medium roast black coffee.

Corbin trudged up several ladder wells to the bridge. “Request permission to enter the pilothouse,” he asked softly. “Enter the pilothouse,” the boatswain’s mate of the watch lazily replied. The pilothouse was completely dark with only the faint glow of the electronic chart emanating from a heavy red-tinted filter laid over the screen. Even the small LEDs for the different systems around the bridge were taped over with opaque, black masking tape to preserve every ounce of night vision the bridge team could muster.

Careful not to trip over the knife edge, he stepped forward and cautiously approached the shadowy figure he assumed was the Officer of the Deck, ENS Kamala Karolina.

“OOD, anything significant?”

“Nothing tonight, sir. Traffic has been non-existent and we’ve been adjusting course per SESS’s direction without any issues,” the ensign said casually.

She was right, the traffic picture was in fact empty. The view outside the windows looked like the ship was flying through empty space as the stars shown above them in the moonless sky and below them, reflected by the dark ocean. Corbin mulled over how boring his upcoming watch downstairs was about to be and lamented over having to be in CIC vice enjoying the view up there when, just for a second, he thought he saw the hint of a shadow of a slim mast just poking over the horizon. Kamala must have seen his worried face and quickly replied, “Oh, that’s Betty.”


“Sorry, sir. I meant Ronin 17. All the vessels have been keeping station with no issues from what we can tell without radar.”

Corbin forgot how the bridge teams, notably the more junior officers, have developed affectionate names for the unmanned surface vessels, USVs, in their company. The unmanned vessels also had their radars secured and were maintaining station visually with their mast cameras trained on his ship, a neat trick with properly trained computer-vision models, but can result in interesting maneuvers with the right sea state.

“Very well. Anything to pass down to the next watch?”

“Yes, sir. Next watch has the next balloon launch. Winds have been pretty light so they shouldn’t have any issues like last time.”

Good, Corbin thought. These high-altitude balloons were the only connection back to higher headquarters they had, so any break in the relay chain would mean no updates for a while. Corbin replied back with an attempt to be as equally casual, “Alright, cool. And Stella? How has she been?”

STELLA was the ship’s updated celestial navigation system. Built off of the same named manual astronomical calculator, this version used a simple skyward-facing camera on top of the pilothouse to stare at the cosmos and ascertain the ship’s position automatically.

“Uh, well, wheels says she has been doing fine with the partial cloud coverage, but the next morning fix should help verify that.”

Corbin hummed to himself with concern, but STELLA was all they had with GPS currently as useful as fixing your position by naked eye in open ocean. Corbin thanked the junior officer for the information and made his way to the ladder wells he just climbed a few minutes ago.

In stark contrast to the pitch-black pilothouse, Central Controlling Station, or CCS, was brilliantly lit in austere white overhead lights and twinkling red, green, and orange status lights on the consoles it housed. The Engineering Officer of the Watch and the two console operators were in a loud, friendly debate about if the last Ticonderoga-class cruiser will get its service life extended one more time and actually outlive the last Littoral Combat Ship still in the fleet.

“Good evening, MPA. How’s the plant tonight?”

“Good evening, sir,” the always smiling CWO4 Patrick Rogers swiveled his chair towards Corbin.

“The plant has been temperamental as always. 1A GTM has another broken valve from the fuel service tank, but GSM2 will get to printing a new one once she is done with the part for Shirley. I mean Ronin 22,” he corrected himself holding back an even bigger grin at the mistake. “The next watch should be able to replace it and have the engine ready for use.”

“Shirley?” Corbin asked, half smirking himself. “You’ve been hanging around the ensigns too much. Is Ronin 22’s part supposed to be sent over tomorrow then? The bridge didn’t mention any preps for small boat ops for next watch.”

“Uh… let me check. No, OPS and CHENG talked and given the transit speed we need to maintain, we will just hold onto the part until the next safe box. Shirley, nothing will go wrong!”

MPA said with emphasis, his console operators trying to hold back their own laughs.

Corbin couldn’t help but actually smile at that one, “Alright, that was a good one. Have a good night.”

Amused, he left CCS and heard all three burst out laughing over MPA’s joke as he shut the hatch.

Corbin approached the hatch to Combat Information Center, CIC or simply Combat to many, and instinctually punched in the combination. The lock clicked open from inside the space, but Corbin still had throw his body against the hatch to get it to swing open. He reminded himself that he still needed to talk to Eric, the OI division officer, about getting the maintenance job for that written. He stumbled, almost fell, into Combat and was instantly bathed by the blue lights overhead. Someone long ago told him the blue helped keep watchstanders and console operators awake on watch, but he has seen enough sleeping Sailors to believe that is not the case.

Lately though, just as now, Sailors were alert on watch given how quickly the situation could have changed then. The USV consoles were equally as unmanned as the vessels they controlled as the low latency short wave mesh network was disabled at that time. The warfare coordinators and their supervisors, despite having their radars secured, were maintaining situational awareness from a variety of assets and monitoring the onboard track management and assessment algorithms. Each row of consoles, Air Alley and Surface Street, monitored the recognized air picture and recognized maritime picture, respectively. Each of their weapon target assignment algorithms were deactivated at the time, but could be enabled as requested from the operators or remotely through the aforementioned high-altitude balloons.

LCDR Ryan Hayes got up as his watch relief approached. “And my favorite person has arrived!” he said to Corbin with a large grin.

Corbin replied back with a sheepish grin, “What’s up Ryan? Anything fun happen? Did you win the war?”

“Ah, not yet my friend, but I am sure your decisive and attentive watchstanding will guarantee us victory!” Ryan said with a grand wave of his arms to the mostly empty large screens in front of the TAO and CO consoles.

Corbin plopped himself in the TAO, Tactical Action Officer, chair and got situated as Ryan regaled him with the routine maintenance and reports that occurred over the last three hours.

Before he left, Ryan concluded with, “Oh, and I spoke with OPS and the boat ops is pushed to a later date for Ronin 22’s repair part. Shirley-“

“Shirley nothing could go wrong,” Corbin said as he dryly cuts off Ryan with a small smirk.

Ryan couldn’t help but laugh, “I hope MPA gave me credit for that one.”

“In fact, I think he neglected that part in the turnover.”

An hour slowly passed by for Corbin as the large screens before him remained mostly empty. Each one was an enlarged representation of either the recognized air picture or recognized maritime picture, but with more abbreviated information compared to what the coordinators saw. Both screens largely contained neutral contacts, merchant ships and commercial airliners, trying their best to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the very obvious detours they took around the most dangerous areas. And his ship was driving into the center of one. This area was a bald patch on his displays, completely devoid of visually stimulating information, much like the dark ocean Corbin witnessed just before taking the watch, and like it had been for the last two days. Despite the uniformly blank patch of pixels on the screen, Corbin knew that the area was under heavy scrutiny from both above and within the area; dozens of eyes and ears straining in the void to catch a single glimpse or inadvertent squeak of a possible target.

It all happened quickly.

A simple blip was all it required. An errant transmission under a specific satellite, sailing slightly too close to a saildrone or underwater receiver, or a Sailor trying to connect to the cellular network from a visible island. The blip, a simple glimpse or inadvertent squeak, was the final piece from numerous, ostensibly different data sources, that the autonomous targeting system at higher headquarters needed to complete its puzzle. It selected a series of available candidates to complete the strike mission: an expeditionary missile launcher, an allied airborne maritime patrol aircraft, and a surface action group consisting of a destroyed and three USVs. It sent out the information through what it assessed was the fastest available path, knowing or hoping each candidate was waiting with their finger on the trigger, as any delay would compromise the already small window of opportunity given to them by the adversary.

Corbin looked down under his seat to see where he had placed his coffee. Happy to have acquired his warm prey and while enjoying a simple sip of the needed caffeine, his eyes spotted a new contact appear in the previously empty area. A hostile surface contact fed to them by higher headquarters with fire authorization tags attached. The ship will only not fire if the CO, or TAO in this case given the short time window, feels it will jeopardize their group’s tactical situation, or TACSIT. The ship and others in company’s TACSIT was now the number one measurement of surviving the trip back out of the dangerous area. LT Jasmin didn’t have time to speculate and mull over how effective their deception and counter-targeting had been over the last few days, and had to hope the previous watches had performed well, as the window to shoot would close quickly.

Corbin, satisfied with the information they see and the information verified by his watchstanders over their tactical internal voice net, ordered the missiles to be fired. No acknowledgement back to higher headquarters was needed, nor recommended for survivability reasons, as the weapons transmitted and connected to the weapons network for in-flight updates.

The missiles fired with a familiar explosive shudder through the ship as they left the comfortable confines of their VLS cells. The bridge team reported successful missile launches from Shirley, Betty, and Louisa as well, prompting him to remember to mentor them on professional voice communications on the net afterwards. The USVs, also given the order as seen in the fire authorization tags on the contact, acted on their own accord; the last barrier to a fully autonomous weapon platform and combat system removed out of necessity for environments where communication was a luxury and decisiveness was a necessity.

Corbin could negate the launch with an order over low probability of detection, low bandwidth short wave transmissions, again if he had deemed it required to maintain the veil of covertness for a bit longer.

On his screen, the once empty area displayed the circle of weapons quickly collapsing on the hostile target. As the circle disappeared, the target does as well with a small delay. Most likely, a UAV asset conducted BDA and passed the success message to higher headquarters. Corbin ordered the bridge to increase speed as the thermal plume of the missile launch would attract the same amount of attention they just saw happen to someone else; and if not already inbound, threat missiles would be in a few minutes.

After watch, Corbin goes to get a snack from the Wardroom. The attendants started to set the tables for breakfast as best they can with the ship heeling aggressively back and forth. The maneuvers increased in frequency; if the missiles firing didn’t wake everyone up, the rolls did. With one hand on the bulkhead for support, he arrived at the basket of pastries available.

Without even looking through all the options, he picks a flavor that looks good enough before stumbling to his stateroom.

LT Vince Vanterpool is a Surface Warfare Officer with previous sea tours in FDNF-J onboard USS McCAMPBELL (DDG 85) and USS SHILOH (CG 67). Vince earned his Master’s in Operations Research from Naval Postgraduate School and is currently attending Department Head School at Surface Warfare School Command, slated to be the Chief Engineer on USS SHOUP (DDG 86) in Yokosuka, Japan. Outside of the Navy, he enjoys writing and running TTRPG adventures for his wife, kids, and friends.

Featured Image: Artwork created with Midjourney AI.

Visual on the Marlin

Fiction Week

By Karl Flynn

Somewhere in the Philippine Sea…

I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.

Lieutenant Commander Bowman was flying a slow racetrack pattern low to the water to maintain ground effect. Per the rendezvous procedure, she was supposed to set the Marlin down if her crew didn’t visually acquire the submarine after four complete circuits. The intent of the procedure was to save as much fuel as possible for what lay ahead. She had rehearsed resupplying a submarine dozens of times, but never in a warzone. Today, her crew would be doing the real thing.

Who the hell thought this whole thing was a good idea anyway? There’s probably a dozen things that can still go wrong. At least we’re doing this during daylight.

“Ma’am, got a periscope at three o’clock, eight hundred yards!”

Bowman leaned forward to look past Lieutenant Wei, her copilot, and squinted out of the right side of the aircraft to try to see through the sunlight dancing across the ocean surface. Sure enough, she spotted a periscope—or rather, a photonics mast—protruding out of the calm water.

Damn, there she is. Right where she’s supposed to be. Bowman allowed herself to smirk. Nice job, Weems. Maybe the rest of this will be just as easy.


Meanwhile, aboard the USS Iowa, SSN-797, Lieutenant Weems spotted the Marlin II circling overhead on the LCD screen.

Son of a bitch. This is actually happening.

“Conn, visual on the marlin. Right where she’s supposed to be.”

What a beautiful bird. Weems was tracking the aircraft on the photonics mast admiring the four-engined amphibian.

“Conn, aye.” Weems’ commanding officer, Commander Nguyen, was conning the boat for the resupply. “Alright, Mr. Weems. Proceed with the linkup procedure.”

“Aye, captain.”

Weems selected the visible light from the photonics mast user interface and read through the scripted message. He remembered how his roommate had made him learn morse code with him before their Leatherneck evaluation at the naval academy. He couldn’t help but feel thrilled when they successfully used their lights to coordinate a night attack, only to receive a tongue-lashing from the staff for giving away their position with their lights.

Bet you never would’ve guessed I’d be using morse code for this.

Weems had wanted to commission as a Marine but wasn’t selected. His roommate was and had been assigned to an infantry platoon in the 3rd Marine Littoral Regiment. Based on the sheer volume of shipping the Iowa had encountered over the past few days, Weems wondered if his former roommate—or anyone in the MLR—was still alive.

No. Don’t think about that. Focus on the task at hand.


Back aboard the Marlin, Wei was deciphering the flashes of light from the submarine.

            “M-A-R-L-I-N-8-0-8…  D-E…  I-O-W-A…  S-T-E-A-D-Y…  C-S-E…  0-1-5…  R-E-A-D-Y…  T-O…  P-R-O-C-E-E-D… K.” Wei turned to his pilot. “Hot damn! They’re ready for us!”

            Bowman felt a surge of adrenaline. She wagged the massive aircraft’s wings three times in accordance with the pre-arranged acknowledgement signal. “Alright, Wei. Let’s go through the landing checklist.”

            “Aye, ma’am!”


            Weems was fixated on the enormous airplane. He watched it recede behind the boat, circle back, and line up parallel to the Iowa’s track offset by a few hundred meters. As the plane approached, he saw the flaps lower even further, then the sea spray kicked up behind the plane as it descended. Finally, the craft settled down into the water just as it was abreast of the sub. Weems followed it as it taxied well ahead of the sub, stopped, and opened its starboard cargo hatch.

            Weems turned to his captain. “Looks like they’re getting ready to deploy the ROV, sir.”

Commander Nguyen nodded in acknowledgement, then announced, “Flood tube two.”

A reply came from forward of the conn. “Flood tube two, aye, sir.”


Commander Pahlavi had been a reservist until shortly before hostilities had commenced. Although he was the highest-ranking officer aboard the aircraft, he still felt out of place. His last tour on active duty was years before at a mobile dive and salvage unit that had experimented with industrial ROVs. This made him one of a select few naval personnel to have operated the modified work-class ROV the Navy had used to pioneer undersea replenishment techniques. While based on an industrial ROV design, the Navy’s resupply ROVs had been fitted with additional thrusters and control surfaces to keep up with submarines making minimum steerage while submerged. Pahlavi looked at the unusual craft with a sense of apprehension.

The Navy had over a decade of experience conducting carrier operations in peacetime before WWII. Now we’re going to resupply a submarine underwater with less than a year under our belt?

Pahlavi shook his head and refocused on the task at hand. After completing the built-in diagnostic process, Pahlavi got on the aircraft’s intercom system. “ROV is ready for deployment.”

Bowman’s voice replied, “OK, sir, commence deployment procedure when ready. Wei, signal the Iowa.”

Aviation’s Mate Third Class Orlov was standing by at the edge of the open cargo hatch. When he heard Bowman’s command on the intercom, he immediately began coordinating with Chief Park, the Marlin’s loadmaster, to lift the ROV and get it over the water next to the fuselage. Pahlavi glanced away from his operator’s display at the twenty-year-old Sailor leaning out of the starboard cargo hatch signaling Park to reel out the winch.

Desperate times call for desperate measures, I suppose.

As he watched the rubber padding on the craft’s exterior submerge with the thick umbilical trailing behind it, he turned back to the ROV controls mounted below the touchscreen on his operator’s station. “ROV is away.”

“Aye, sir.”

Alright, everything according to procedure.

Pahlavi started driving the ROV alongside the Marlin’s hull. Orlov was announcing how much length was being spooled out of the umbilical reel. The umbilical served several purposes: it tethered the ROV to the aircraft, fed electrical power and control signals from the aircraft to the ROV, and provided video feed to Pahlavi’s control station. Once the umbilical reel had spooled out two meters, Pahlavi stopped the ROV.

“Bowman, we’re ready to get underway.”

Bowman’s voice replied through Pahlavi’s headset. “Aye, sir. Increasing speed to three knots.” Pahlavi focused intently on the ROV control station to ensure the vehicle didn’t collide with the Marlin’s hull as the aircraft slowly moved forward. Bowman’s voice came back over the intercom a few seconds later. “Speed through water is three knots, sir.”

Alright, here we go.

Park and Orlov were preparing one of many capsules slightly smaller than a Mk-48 heavyweight torpedo to be lowered into the water. Cylindrical in shape, the container was tapered on both ends with fins protruding past the end facing the aft end of the aircraft. It was made of positively buoyant material and retained ten Compact Rapid Attack Weapons—effectively miniature torpedoes. The Iowa had expended several dozen CRAWs in the last few days of fighting, but she still had most of her Mk-48s on board. Pahlavi watched as the Sailors lowered the capsule into the slowly receding ocean just below the open cargo hatch. As it neared the surface, Pahlavi fixed his gaze back on his control station and watched the capsule break the surface from the ROV’s underwater camera.

“Steady…Hold!” At Pahlavi’s command, Park stopped the secondary winch that was still connected to the supply capsule. Pahlavi drove the ROV alongside and watched as one of the ROV’s manipulator arms mimicked his own movements. He grabbed the capsule roughly a third of its length from its front end.

“ROV has positive control! Release the capsule.”

“Release the capsule, aye, sir.” Orlov leaned out of the cargo hatch and pulled a second cable, which released the winch cable from the capsule. Pahlavi carefully watched the ROV’s thruster speeds compensate to keep the capsule steady as the cable disconnected. All were well within the specified tolerances.

Pahlavi switched back to the aircraft’s intercom. “Alright, Bowman. Just like we rehearsed. Bring us to starboard and get us on the same track directly in front of the Iowa.”

“Aye, sir!”


            Weems was watching the large seaplane keep station just off the Iowa’s port bow on the photonics mast display. Then, he saw the aircraft’s tail signal light begin flashing.

            “New signal!  I-O-W-A…  W-E…  A-R-E…  R-E-A-D-Y…  T-O…  M-E-R-G-E…  T-R-A-C-K…  K.”

            “Alright, Mr. Weems, get them on station,” Commander Nguyen replied.

            “Aye, sir.”


Rather than relying on GPS, which, for all she knew, was being spoofed, Bowman was shifting the Marlin’s position based on the commands of the Iowa. Wei was relaying the distances being signaled via morse code from the Iowa’s photonics mast.

“Three meters.”

“Three meters,” she replied.

“Two meters, change course to zero-one-six.”

“Two meters, changing course to zero-one-six.”

“One meter, change course to zero-one-five.”

“One meter, changing course to zero-one-five.”

“Iowa’s signaling again. M-A-I-N-T-A-I-N…  P-O-S-I-T-I-O-N…  T-U-B-E…  2…  O-U-T-E-R…  D-O-O-R…  O-P-E-N…  C-O-M-M-E-N-C-E…  R-E-L-O-A-D…  K.” Wei turned to his pilot. “Are you ready to make history, ma’am?”

Bowman allowed herself a smile. “Easy, Wei. We still gotta do the hard part. Signal the Iowa that we’re sending the ROV.”


            Park was spooling out the ROV’s umbilical reel, allowing Pahlavi to drive the ROV directly astern of the Marlin. As the distance between the ROV and the Iowa closed, Pahlavi could see the sub’s bow emerge from the sea.

            Visibility is great out here. That should help.

            He guided the ROV along the submarine’s starboard side. As the ROV got closer, he could clearly see white numbers painted on the side of her hull.

            There’s the draft marks. Torpedo tube should be right behind the 20… There she is!

            As the ROV approached the sub, Pahlavi could see the fairing over the second torpedo tube was in the retracted position, revealing the open torpedo tube illuminated by the ROV’s underwater searchlight.

            Easy does it.

            Pahlavi commanded the ROV to slowly move toward the open torpedo tube using the station-keeping mode. He was intently focusing on lining up the resupply capsule with the open tube. At this point, the ROV’s control software was doing most of the work, but Pahlavi could still feel himself sweating. After what seemed like an agonizingly long approach, the finned end of the capsule disappeared into the open torpedo tube.


As the ROV’s forward manipulator got close to the open tube, Pahlavi walked the capsule hand over hand—or manipulator over manipulator—into the tube until it was fully seated.

            “I have visual confirmation of clearance on the outer edge of the torpedo tube! Moving the ROV away.” Pahlavi was already driving the ROV away from the Iowa as he spoke.


            Weems watched as the signal light on the Marlin’s tail lit up again.

            “New message: P-O-S-I-T-I-V-E… V-I-S-U-A-L…T-U-B-E…2…C-L-E-A-R…K…”

            Commander Nguyen nodded affirmingly. “Close tube two.”

            “Close tube two, aye, sir.” In the torpedo room, torpedomen were preparing to onload the capsule and ready tube four for the capsule that would follow.


            After nearly two hours ferrying CRAW capsules from the Marlin to the Iowa, Pahlavi was mentally spent. In all, the Marlin crew had resupplied the Iowa with 110 CRAWs. Park was reeling the ROV back from the eleventh resupply run when Pahlavi saw the Iowa turn to port and dive while he felt the Marlin turn to starboard. It was surreal watching the submarine disappear out of view. He wondered if he would see his former plebe again.

            Godspeed, Mr. Nguyen.

            A tear made its way down Pahlavi’s face as the Iowa faded into the depths. Once the sub was no longer visible, he buried his face in his hands and wept silently. As he wept, he felt a hand gently grasp his shoulder.

            “Sir, is everything alright? We need to retrieve the ROV,” Chief Park said softly. He had noticed Pahlavi wasn’t paying attention to the ROV control station and realized what was happening. Pahlavi did his best to wipe away his tears and nodded to Park, then looked back at his controls.

“All good, chief. Let’s proceed.”


After Park and Orlov had finished retrieving and securing the ROV, it had taken Bowman just twenty minutes to reach cruising altitude. The Marlin was significantly lighter than at the start of the mission largely thanks to the lack of CRAWs aboard as well as having expended a significant amount of fuel.

Hm…We burned more fuel than we were supposed to during the resupply.

As though he had read her thoughts, Wei turned to her and said, “I don’t think we’re gonna have enough fuel to make it back, ma’am. Even if we did make it, it’d be way too close for comfort.”

Bowman continued studying the fuel levels and checked the engine’s burn rates. They were flying at cruising speed, but the unexpected headwind was causing the four turboprops to go through fuel faster than was anticipated.

            “Yup, sure looks like it.”

I hope there’s a tanker in the air. I really don’t feel like sitting on the water again.

            No sooner had she spoken those words when the Marlin was buffeted by an even stronger headwind. Wei spoke up again. “Ma’am, we’re definitely not going to make it.”

“Concur. Good thing is we’re out of the EMCON zone. See if you can find a tanker available for tasking.”

            “One step ahead of you, ma’am. There’s no tankers available, and I can’t imagine any will free up any time soon with Enterprise’s air group providing CAP clear out here. Good thing is if we divert south by a bit we can reach a USV towing a dracone that’s only a few miles away. Looks like it was supposed to stage it for an EAB, but that mission got scrapped. Now it’s up for grabs, so we might as well refuel—not like the F-35 can land on water.”

Bowman sighed heavily, resigned to bobbing on the water’s surface while refueling from a drone boat. “Alright. Can you plot a course to rendezvous with that USV?”

“Yes, ma’am, at 159 we should have a visual in about…actually, we should be able to spot it now!”

“Copy, coming to 159.” As she banked the Marlin to turn south, she switched her intercom setting to address the entire aircraft. “All crew, prepare for water landing. We don’t have the fuel to make it back in a straight shot, so we’re going to put down to get fuel from a cargo USV.”

Shortly after the crew acknowledged the landing notice, Chief Park informed Bowman over the intercom that he had acquired the USV with the aircraft’s powerful optical suite. Bowman pulled up the feed on one of the screens in the cockpit, clearly showing the USV slowly plodding along. Since the USV’s course and speed were readily evident to Bowman, she brought the aircraft around behind the USV and set the plane down in the water offset from its track, just like she had done with the Iowa. As she taxied alongside the USV, she said, “OK, Chief, prepare for waterborne refueling.”

“Aye, ma’am!” Once the Marlin was close enough, Commander Pahlavi was able to establish a local datalink with the USV and take control of it. He signaled Park and Orlov to open the cargo hatch and simultaneously got on the intercom to talk to Bowman. “OK, I’m controlling the USV. It’s got plenty of fuel for us, just need to get the refueling boom over here.”

Bowman replied, “OK, sir, I’m coming to a halt. Let’s get ready to refuel.”

“Copy, bringing the USV alongside now.” Once he had driven the USV behind the Marlin’s number three engine, Pahlavi switched settings to have the USV keep itself at the same relative position to the Marlin. He then started to deploy the USV’s refueling boom. He could see himself hunched over the common operating station inside the Marlin’s cargo bay from the refueling boom’s camera.

“Count down the distance, Orlov!”

“Aye, sir!”

As the refueling boom extended toward the Marlin, Orlov dutifully called out the closing distance.

“Five meters!”

“Five meters.”





“Two, alignment is good!”


“One! Steady, sir. You’re lined up.”

Pahlavi carefully brought the refueling boom into contact with the aircraft’s starboard refueling receptacle. Orlov immediately secured the fuel line to the fitting next to the open cargo hatch. “Boom is secure, ready to begin fueling, chief!”

“OK, Orlov—ma’am, did you catch that?”

“Sure did, Chief. Aircraft is ready for fuel transfer.”

“Aye, ma’am! Commencing fuel transfer.” Chief Park opened the fill valves, then Pahlavi switched on the USV’s fuel transfer pump. Both settled back and watched its fuel level slowly fall as it pumped fuel into the Marlin’s depleted tanks.


            Bowman was glad to be back on land. After spending another hour sitting on the water taking on fuel from the USV, she was eager to sleep on a bed that didn’t move. After post-flighting the Marlin, she briefly conferred with her crew before walking back to her cot. She flopped down without taking off any of her gear.

Her sound sleep was interrupted by another pilot walking to another bunk. Bowman recognized Lieutenant Schmidt, another pilot in her squadron.

            “Hey, Allie. How was your mission? I heard you got tasked with resupplying the Delaware.”

            Schmidt stopped dead in her tracks and looked at the ground. She replied without raising her eyes. “We did…She didn’t show.”

            Bowman couldn’t believe what she’d heard. Oh, God. Allie’s husband was on the Delaware

            “I’m so sorry, Allie. Maybe they’re still out there. Maybe they—”

            Before she could continue, Lieutenant Schmidt collapsed to the floor in tears. Bowman rushed over to her. The other officers in the female berthing, awakened by the commotion, looked over. Most tried to go back to sleep. They had become numb to the sight; many had already lost husbands, friends, brothers, and sisters. And none of them knew when it would stop.

Captain Karl Flynn, USMC, is a rifle company commander in 3rd Battalion, 2nd Marines.

Featured Image: Artwork created with Midjourney AI.