It is typically conceptualized as a developmental or ocean governance challenge. But in fact it represents a remarkable strategic opportunity for the United States. The U.S. has struggled to contest China’s growing maritime insurgency in the South China Sea because its presence is relatively transient and China’s is not. The U.S. could make itself far more competitive in the region by contributing substantial resources to a multilateral maritime policing effort aimed at IUU fishing.
Such action would go a long way toward embedding the U.S. deeper into the region and supporting its strategy of a free and open Indo-Pacific. Instead of relatively short security cooperation exercises, U.S. personnel and assets would work shoulder-to-shoulder with regional partners for long periods of time, and make progress on an issue that readily impacts the quality of life of regional populations.
On a broader level, this policy could reshape perceptions of the U.S. and present China with difficult strategic decisions regarding maritime provocation. First, trust in U.S. foreign policy has declined precipitously under President Trump. Regional powers are concerned about the potential for America’s China policy to spark conflict and are dubious about the strength of Washington’s security guarantees. On the other hand, China has been making a bid for regional leadership, and while few countries see its actions as friendly, it is perceived as more influential and consistently present than a mercurial America. By deeply engaging in a multilateral, local-led mission against a systemic regional problem, the U.S. can substantiate its claims that it supports a free and open Indo-Pacific rather than be seen as destabilizing and high-handed. Moreover, as Chinese vessels are major contributors to IUU fishing, strong U.S. action against the practice would highlight the U.S. as upholding beneficial norms in sharp contrast to an aggressively self-interested China.
It would also cause China tactical heartburn. Chinese vessels routinely ram and dangerously approach ships from other countries but are more circumspect around U.S. ships for fear of escalation. If U.S. service personnel were routinely embedded on coast guard and naval ships from other nations, this level of circumspection would likely expand. In turn, this would provide regional navies more space to maneuver and assert their legitimate claims – evening out the maritime playing field and positioning the U.S. to be more responsive to the competition occurring below the threshold of open conflict.
However, the U.S. Navy must confront the reality of stagnating defense budgets and growing operational demands. Chronic overwork has already led to disaster in the 7th Fleet, and adding more taskings without substantial additional resources is not viable. Luckily, this program could be achieved at relatively low cost by utilizing assets not traditionally employed for national security. For example, IUU fishing is highly dependent on immigrant labor, with recruiters often trapping poor farmers in debt bondage. The State Department could assist international NGOs in targeting this practice. Experts from the U.S. Treasury Department and USAID could work with host nations on countering corruption in port authorities. Satellite radar data is becoming more affordable and proven to be effectivein finding fishing vessels that turn off their transponders. There are some specialized capabilities which would certainly require additional investment. Sustainable training and embedding with partner navies could only realistically be done by the U.S. military. But innovative approaches that leverage the interagency can cut costs.
This policy is not without risks. Three clear issues would require action. First, it would expose U.S. personnel to greater threats. While embedding U.S. personnel on regional vessels might spur caution in Beijing, it is all too plausible to imagine a Chinese maritime militia or coast guard ship ramming a Vietnamese or Filipino vessel – only to inadvertently injure or even kill an embedded U.S. servicemember. Finding the right balance between earning the desired deterrent effect and having adequate force protection would be a challenge.
Second, it could feed into perceptions of U.S. hypocrisy or imperialism. IUU fishing is a major problem, but few countries appreciate meddling. The mission would require effective strategic communications and operating methods to emphasize a local-led, partnered approach. A particular wrinkle would be Japan, which is a major destination market for illegally caught fish. Challenging Japan on this issue might create tensions with a key ally, but failing to do so would invite accusations of hypocrisy. Designing the policy from the start with consultation from partners like Japan would be key to mitigating such challenges.
Third, while China is the biggest perpetrator of IUU fishing, it is far from being the only one. Many disputes over fishing grounds and regulation are between U.S. partners. That adds diplomatic nuance to assistance programs and would demand major efforts to resolve. Drawing on experience and trust earned through existing partnered operations would be vital. If the U.S. can leverage diplomacy to help resolve fishing disputes amongst its partners then it would make further progress on the issue and draw a sharper contrast with China’s behavior.
Another diplomatic wrinkle is the fate of boats and fishermen engaged in IUU fishing across international lines. Those arrested are often without papers, which makes deportation difficult, but governments are leery about detaining large numbers of foreigners for long periods of time. Aside from the humanitarian implications, it is a trigger point for international disputes. The U.S. could use its convening power to propose international courts and institutions to address such concerns, and perhaps draw inspiration from the Courts of Mixed Commissionwhich helped suppress the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
IUU fishing is an ongoing humanitarian, economic, and environmental disaster. Working to stop it will be relatively affordable and advantageous for the U.S. if it leverages regional partnerships and interagency assets. More work should be done to explore the possibilities it offers as a matter of urgency.
Matthew Ader is a student in the Department of War Studies at King’s College London. He is an associate editor at the Wavell Room, and tweets infrequently from @AderMatthew.
Featured Image: ATLANTIC OCEAN (Aug. 17, 2009) Yu Feng, a Taiwanese-flagged fishing vessel suspected of illegal fishing activity, moves through the water before being boarded by crewmembers from the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Legare (WMEC 912) and representatives from Sierra Leone’s Armed Forces Maritime Wing, Fisheries Ministry and Office of National Security. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Public Affairs Specialist 2nd Class Shawn Eggert/Released)
On July 2, 2020 at around 4:20 a.m., three vessels attacked the Sendje Berge, a floating production support vessel off the coast of Nigeria. While there were no physical injuries, the perpetrators took nine personnel hostage. The kidnapping is the latest incident in a series of attacks in the Gulf of Guinea, which has become the most piracy-infested region in the world, closely followed by Southeast Asia. Worldwide, 162 actual and attempted piracy attacks were reported in 2019.1 As most incidents have taken place in territorial waters, the cross-border nature of maritime crimes matters for ocean governance. When operating, pirates are not restrained by national borders, and exploit states’ inconsistencies in maritime security capacities and capabilities. Therefore, the unabatedly high numbers of attacks underlines the need for littoral and user states to cooperate on counterpiracy.
Three Regional Agreements to Govern Piracy
To govern maritime piracy through state cooperation, three agreements have been set up in different regions of the world. The members to these regional agreements agree to arrest, investigate, and prosecute pirates on the high seas, and to suppress armed robbery in their respective territorial waters. In Asia, the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) was established in 2006. 14 regional states as well as six extra-regional states are currently contracting parties. In East Africa, the Djibouti Code of Conduct (DCoC) was agreed on in 2009. To date, 20 states from the Indian Ocean region have signed this agreement on the repression of piracy and armed robbery in the western Indian Ocean and the Gulf of Aden. In 2017, the DCoC’s piracy-only focus was expanded to include maritime crimes more generally when the so-called Jeddah Amendment was adopted by a subset of DCoC member states. Finally, the Yaoundé Code of Conduct (YCoC) to combat illicit maritime activities in West and Central Africa was signed in 2013 by 25 regional states.
As these agreements were successively established, policymakers were able to utilize insights from already developed setups elsewhere, a learning process that was actively sponsored by the International Maritime Organization. As a result, the agreements’ institutional structures are strikingly similar.2 This is most obvious in the agreements’ information-sharing structures. All agreements have Information Sharing Centers (ISCs) which collect data on maritime crimes and provide infrastructure for information exchange. The regional agreements also have a system of national focal points designated by each member state, which manage piracy and armed robbery incidents within the respective state’s territorial waters, report incidents to the ISCs, and coordinate surveillance activities with neighboring states.
Information Sharing and Capacity Building
These regional agreements have been rightfully praised as a milestone in ocean governance, as they are a strong symbol of the commitment of member states to combat piracy and other maritime crimes. The collection and dissemination of data on maritime crimes is one of the most important practical tasks carried out by the regional agreements, because to efficiently coordinate cooperation between maritime security actors it is crucial to have available all relevant information on the threat at hand. Furthermore, by creating reliability, regular information sharing has the potential to strengthen trust and confidence among key actors.3
Capacity building carried out through the framework of the regional agreements is equally important. To varying degrees, the agreements’ frameworks offer exercises, workshops, and trainings to accumulate expertise on and foster cooperation between national agencies and the shipping industry, and also provide technical assistance to member states. In fact, the regions cooperate in their capacity building efforts on a regular basis. Due to their similar institutional structures, ReCAAP and DCoC members held several joint workshops where best practices were shared.
The Limits of Cooperation
While the setup of the regional agreements is certainly a milestone in counterpiracy governance, the different regions are faced with a variety of challenges concerning cooperation in general and the implementation of the agreements’ provisions in particular.
Concerns over Territorial Sovereignty
Citing concerns over their territorial sovereignty, two of the states most affected by piracy in Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Malaysia, refuse to accede to ReCAAP. Although state cooperation in Asia is generally characterized by major sovereignty sensitivities, their reluctance is reinforced by ReCAAP’s open membership policy. While DCoC and YCoC have limited their membership to regional littorals, every interested state can join ReCAAP, which further fuels Indonesia’s and Malaysia’s concerns about foreign involvement in their territorial waters.4 However, the actual impact of the non-membership of key states in Asia remains unclear. Despite their official disapproval, both Indonesia and Malaysia cooperate with ReCAAP on a low-key level, participating in meetings and sharing select information. Nevertheless, an accession would certainly underline the two states’ willingness to commit to multilateral counter-piracy efforts given their strategic position in the Strait of Malacca and the Sulu and Celebes Seas.
Institutional Fragmentation
National sensitivities also led to a fragmented institutional landscape, both regionally as well as internationally. The DCoC operates three regional ISCs in Kenya, Tanzania, and Yemen. The YCoC architecture is even more fragmented, with regional maritime security centers for West as well as Central Africa in Congo and Ivory Coast, an interregional coordination center in Cameroon, and five coordination centers at the zonal level. Due to this fractional structure, information flows may be less efficient, and the ability to swiftly respond to undesirable events on the ocean could be hindered.5 While ReCAAP only operates one ISC, several other data-collecting bodies exist in Asia, such as the International Maritime Bureau’s Piracy Reporting Center and the Information Fusion Centre hosted by the Singaporean Navy. To complicate matters further, not all ISCs, particularly those in Southeast Asia, report data in a consistent way.6 Overall, the institutional plethora of information-sharing mechanisms underlines the importance of coordination between the different agencies. To this end, the regions’ potential to learn from each other’s experiences is not being fully realized yet.
Lack of National Capacities
To implement the regional agreements’ provisions on site, the capacities of member states are essential. However, member states’ means to counter maritime crimes in their territorial waters differ significantly. Some states, particularly in Asia, have comparably well-equipped navies, coast guards, and law enforcement agencies. In contrast, other states often lack those capacities, which is particularly apparent in Somalia and Yemen, which are both stricken by the devastating consequences of ongoing civil wars. Although the agreements offer capacity building measures, the mechanisms do not directly account for the resources of member states or their lack thereof.
Gaps in Scope
Although the regional agreements geographically cover the greater portion of world regions currently affected by piracy, there are still blind spots. Whole continents have not set up comparable cooperation mechanisms yet, such as Oceania and the Americas, where local piracy hotspots like the Caribbean and the Venezuelan coast would call for concerted governance efforts. This becomes more salient when not only piracy, but also maritime crimes more generally are in focus, since crimes such as illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing are pressing in every corner of the world
Additionally, the regional agreements are rather narrow in their operational scope. This is particularly obvious in Southeast Asia, where ReCAAP has thus far only institutionalized cooperation on piracy and armed robbery. As policymakers increasingly realize that these crimes are only one of many pressing issues in the maritime domain, the agreements may go one step further. Already in Africa, with YCoC as well as the DCoC’s Jeddah Amendment, the signatory states agreed to also cooperate on transnational organized crime in the maritime domain, maritime terrorism, IUU fishing, as well as other illegal activities at sea. By calling on its member states to develop national strategies for sustainable blue economic growth, the Jeddah Amendment, although very tentatively, even ties maritime security to the greater blue economy.
Looking Ahead
Threats to maritime security cannot be understood in isolation, as they are deeply interrelated. Going forward, maritime security governance will therefore need a more integrated understanding of the hazards posed by maritime crimes as well as the potential of coordinated efforts to combat these crimes.7 Specifically, it is necessary to strengthen maritime domain awareness by emphasizing potential synergies between combatting maritime crimes with the blue economy and the safety of the marine environment. This integrative understanding of developments and threats at sea is a prerequisite for coordination and cooperation between the diverse maritime security agencies and actors in this field.8 In that sense, the establishment of these regional counter-piracy agreements, their process of learning from each other and the gradual broadening of their scope, marks an important first step into realizing the full potential of an integrated approach toward maritime security governance.
Anja Menzel is a postdoctoral researcher at the FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany. She received her PhD in International Relations from Greifswald University, where she studied state cooperation on counterpiracy. Her current research interests include ocean governance, the construction of maritime spaces, and the link between the blue economy and development funding.
1. ICC IMB 2019. Report. Piracy and armed robbery against ships [1 January-31 December 2019]. London.
2. Menzel A. 2018. Institutional adoption and maritime crime governance: the Djibouti Code of Conduct. Journal of the Indian Ocean Region 14(2), 152-169.
3. Bueger C. 2015. From dusk to dawn? Maritime domain awareness in Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia 37(2), 157–182.
4. Lee T. and McGahan K. 2015. Norm subsidiarity and institutional cooperation: Explaining the Straits of Malacca anti-piracy regime. The Pacific Review 28(4), 529-552.
5. Ralby I. 2019. Learning from success: Advancing maritime security cooperation in Atlantic Africa. Center for International Maritime Security, [].
6. Joubert, L. 2020. What we know about piracy. One Earth Future Foundation, [].
7. Menzel A. and Otto L. 2020. Connecting the dots: Implications of the intertwined global challenges to maritime security. In: Otto, Lisa (ed): Global challenges in maritime security. An Introduction. Springer.
8. Bueger C. 2015. From dusk to dawn? Maritime domain awareness in Southeast Asia. Contemporary Southeast Asia 37(2), 157–182.
Featured Image: ReCAAP ISC Signs MOU with World Maritime University (February 7, 2018)
Countries are beginning to pay more attention to their dependence on rare earth metals. Rare metals like cobalt and nickel are sought out for their applications in smart phones, electric car batteries, and countless other gadgets, but come from an exceedingly small number of places, – virtually all of which are within the borders of the People’s Republic of China or under the control of its state-owned enterprises. This sets up a worrying imbalance in an extremely crucial supply chain that any advanced economy relies on.
There is one potential solution that has come up time and time again: mining the seabed. Unbeknownst to many, the bottom of the ocean holds deposits of rare metals that could scratch the tech-hungry world’s itch, and most of these resources are finally becoming accessible for the first time. These deposits usually take the form of polymetallic nodes sitting on certain parts of the seabed, or as crusts surrounding hydrothermal vents.
There is some wisdom in wanting to decrease one’s reliance on China for something as critical as the components that power almost every electronic device, given China’s history of economic coercion. There is also an understandable fascination with tapping a mostly untouched area like the seabed.
One way to think of the deepest, darkest parts of the world’s oceans is as a new frontier, similar to the thawing Arctic or the yawning abyss of space. There is a shortage of scientific and strategic understanding of the seabed’s value, even as humankind eagerly throws itself into the water to develop blue economies based on marine resources.
The deep sea is rapidly approaching an era reminiscent of the gold rush period of the American West, when pioneers could potentially strike it big solely by venturing out to where few others wanted to go. The risk is high, but the rewards are potentially massive – if one could get seabed mining to scale.
The problem is that nobody should be mining the seabed anytime soon. The looming environmental cost is monumental, and the race for seabed resources could reinvigorate any number of maritime disputes. Is seabed mining really worth the trouble?
A Steep Environmental Cost
Currently, seabed mining is limited to some massive state-backed projects in China and India, and to some Australian or Canadian start-ups with less-than-impressive records. There is also a major regulatory gap when it comes to seabed mining practices, which is meant to be filled by the International Seabed Authority (ISA).
The ISA was mandated to handle seabed issues by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). UNCLOS, at the time of its drafting, was ill-equipped to codify an equitable way to handle seabed mining, especially since the technology at the time didn’t enable any country to have a full sense of seabed resources or how to extract them.
UNCLOS passed responsibility to the ISA, which has the uncanny mission of handing out licenses and devising an entire regulatory framework for all seabed mining in international waters. That is a tall order for what is, by any stretch of the imagination, a very small UN agency.
The ISA has been plugging away at one comprehensive seabed mining framework for years now – the Mining Code. The Mining Code will set out how and when countries and companies can prospect for seabed minerals and eventually commercially extract them.
The ISA is working under a stressful deadline to get the Mining Code finalized later this year and allow companies to begin plowing the seabed. By its own estimates, the ISA believes larger-scale commercial extraction of seabed minerals will start around 2027.
That leaves little time to write out a comprehensive and widely accepted environmental standard for seabed mining, especially given what is at stake. Nonetheless, the ISA seems up to the task, explicitly crafting the Mining Codeto show how one can plausibly mine the seabed in an environmentally sustainable way.
However, the Mining Code will instead give a green light to companies to damage the ocean floor beyond all repair.
The concept that there is an environmentally responsible way to mine the seabed is highly dubious. A test that attempted to shed light on this dilemma ended up permanently scarring seabed ecosystems for years. The 1989 DISCOL testused an eight-meter-wide plough harrow to rake the center of an 11-square-kilometer plot in the Pacific Ocean, and is still considered to be the most advanced seabed mining trial to date. But ecosystems in the area haven’t recovered more than 30 years later. According to ecologist Hjalmar Thiel, who organized the DISCOL test, “The disturbance is much stronger and lasting much longer than we ever would have thought.”
Most of the world’s seabed hasn’t even been mapped, and countless deep sea environments on the bottom of the ocean lay waiting to be discovered. What is known to an extent is that the organisms living in these areas constitute some of the most fragile ecosystems on the planet, making any minor change in their environment potentially catastrophic.
Remotely operated vehicle Deep Discoverer examines deep sea ecosystems (Video via National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Case in point – the scaly-foot snail only lives at three very specific underwater hydrothermal vents on Earth. The snail had barely been discovered before its home was dug up for potential metal deposits, forcing the fascinating, rare creature onto the endangered species list.
The snail is one example of a near-extinction we knew happened. If seabed mining were to scale up to the commercial stage and plows began dragging back and forth over a seafloor that is poorly understood, then there would be countless other creaturesand ecosystems that could be endangered or even thrown into extinction. And humankind likely wouldn’t even be aware of it until it is too late.
Aside from the environmental impacts, there is the question of how seabed mining will progress within national borders, where the ISA has no authority beyond setting an example. For a cautionary look at how this race for new resources can progress, it is best to look at the country poised to start seabed mining before anyone else – China.
China’s Maritime Dreams
China has made it eminently clear it takes the resource potential of the seabed seriously, and frequently seems to flaunt its topographical knowledge of the ocean floor to its neighbors and other claimants surrounding the South China Sea.
For example, in April China released a list of Chinese-language names and locations for some 55 new undersea features – seamounts, underwater canyons, and others – in the South China Sea. China seems to treat the naming and placement of undersea features as a specious way to supplement its ambiguous historic rights argument, which China insists entitles it to nearly all of the rocks, waters, and seabed in the South China Sea. That line of reasoning was decisively struck down in a 2016 Permanent Court of Arbitration ruling, but China has never backed down from trying to justify its maximalist claims.
Maritime features recently named and listed by China [Click to expand] (Gif via RadioFreeAsia/Google Earth)
This cluster of undersea features listed in April closely tracks with a provocative survey China conducted last year within Vietnam’s exclusive economic zone.
That survey roped in a flotilla of coast guard ships and maritime militia, employed by both Vietnam and China, and sparked a tense stand-off between the two countries. China has regularly used survey vessels forits pressure campaigns against other claimant states in Southeast Asia. The aim of this harassment is to keep other Southeast Asian nations from exploring and exploiting resources within their waters. But in an area like the South China Sea, where the vast majority of the seabed is unmapped, the use of survey vessels and the curious publishing of lists of undersea features sitting on other countries’ continental shelves conveys another message – China knows what’s out there, and other countries in the region do not.
China views the deep sea environment as a critical part of the marine economy,which encompasses virtually everything from fishing to submarine cables to genetic material used in state-of-the-art biomedicine. At the same time, the ostensibly civilian mission of deep sea research vessels allows China to send ships well-within the economic zones of other countries without potentially provoking a naval skirmish – thus making research vessels another element of China’s maritime insurgency against other claimants in the South China Sea, similar to the notoriously muscular China Coast Guard (CCG) and People’s Armed Forces Maritime Militia (PAFMM).
There are military applications as well, such as how topographical knowledge of the seabed makes it easier to chart paths for submarines and to ensure those submarines move around undetected.
Seabed mining is a logical priority if China wants to maintain its dominance over rare earths, as metals like cobalt and nickel are critical components for electric vehicles and smartphones, and are found on the ocean floor and in very few other places.
The issue seabed mining enthusiasts should first consider is that these ventures can serve as yet another arena for confrontational behavior in already tense waters.
Seabed mining is not cheap – the kinds of investments necessary to make it commercially profitable by 2027 will necessitate massive subsidies and state support. China is ahead of the curve on seabed mining solely because its state-owned enterprises (SOEs) involved in seabed prospecting are so heavily subsidized they can afford to get involved in such a risky and speculative industry. Michael Lodge, general secretary of the ISA, stated that “I do believe that China could easily be among the first (to start exploitation).”
By nature of being so expensive, there is an incentive to protect seabed mining projects through extensive means. As a country securitizes the ocean around state-backed seabed mining platforms, those same state-backed companies are emboldened to operate further and further afield. They then become wrapped up in the push to assert maritime claims over the objections of neighboring countries. China’s approach to seabed mining may thus begin to look very much like its approach to oil and gas in the South China Sea, which has not been conducive to regional stability.
Couple all this with how the exact boundaries of many countries’ continental shelves are in dispute, and how those Pacific countries with a high probability of holding seabed minerals in their borders also have virtually no regulatory frameworks to handle a nascent industry like seabed mining. The end result is that many latent maritime disputes may suddenly burst back into prominence, and at a time when the region needs far less, not more, imbroglios over maritime resources and borders.
Solutions Are Needed
Seabed resources have a dangerous potential to become conflict resources, fueling disagreements over maritime boundaries across the ocean at a time when many overlapping continental shelf claims are unresolved.
There is a straightforward solution to get ahead of the problem – ban seabed mining. The international community and regional forums should promulgate a series of regional and international moratoriums on seabed mining within countries’ maritime borders immediately, and the ISA should stop issuing licenses for seabed prospecting in waters outside of any national jurisdictions. However, that outcome, while undoubtedly the best for the undersea environment and their marine ecosystems, is probably unrealistic.
One alternative is for the ISA to craft a strict environmental standard that denies any seabed mining company the use of plowing machinery on the ocean floor. If the upcoming Mining Code were to require all seabed mining to only happen through the individual collection of one polymetallic nodule at a time, then seabed prospecting and extraction will lose much of its commercial viability and revert back to being employed mostly for research purposes and perhaps the extraction of biological material necessary for pioneering new medicines.
The ISA could also demand the most stringent environmental impact assessments necessary before any seabed mining or prospecting takes place, reducing the speed of the commercialization of seabed mining to a snail’s pace and postponing exploitation by perhaps another 10-20 years.
Ultimately the ISA cannot be expected to do everything. The international community, and most especially those civil society groups most attuned to the dire environmental stakes facing the ocean in the coming years, should proactively shine a light on seabed mining wherever it takes place.
Every project and license should be documented, followed, and vigorously examined, so that when deep sea environments are irreversibly damaged and coastal communities are inadvertently affected, pressure can be exerted on those companies or countries responsible. That requires, most dauntingly, forging ties with environmentalist groups in those countries most rapacious for deep sea resources, wherever they may be.
Seabed mining cannot be allowed to take place without stringent environmental safeguards and enforcement mechanisms. At best, seafloor ecosystems will be irreparably ruined and only some species and ecosystems will go extinct. This is not an acceptable trade-off for an industry that, as of yet, has not proved itself to actually be commercially viable, and is mostly sustained by the largesse and subsidies of certain countries.
Conclusion: A Common Heritage for Mankind
Seabed governance is going to be one of the thornier issues for a humankind more dependent on the oceans and coasts in the future, and the foundation needs to be laid now for an approach that does not imperil the seabed’s ecosystem for a very dubious profit. National governments may be too indecisive to come to consensus, and international organizations like the ISA are ill-equipped to enforce anything even if they do have a change of heart or code. The process of better seabed governance begins with increased scrutiny, and will largely depend upon an alliance of marine environmentalist non-governmental organizations and the scientific research community.
The deep sea has always been and remains one of the most fascinating new frontiers on the planet, only accessible in the modern day because of incredible advances in technology. Let’s keep it how humanity found it – unspoiled.
Drake Long (@DRM_Long) is a 2020 Asia-Pacific Fellow for Young Professionals in Foreign Policy. He is a contractor for RadioFreeAsia, covering the South China Sea and other maritime issues in Southeast Asia.
Featured Image: Remotely Operated Vehicle Deep Discoverer passing over a rock outcropping. (NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico 2014)
A fundamental step toward achieving long-term peace and stability in developing nations remains the establishment of rule of law and a corresponding system of stable governance. This primacy assigned to rule of law and stable governance is consistent across the military and civilian development sectors. Specifically, the U.S. military’s foundational doctrine on Stability (Joint Publication or JP 3-07) and the U.S. Institute of Peace’s (USIP) Guiding Principles for Stabilization and Reconstructionlist rule of law and stable governance as core stabilization functions. Establishing key “maritime governance” structures, in particular, is of vital importance to the multitude of maritime nations now dependent on the sea as their primary source of production, resources, employment, and overall socioeconomic stability.
Maritime stability is also increasingly if not inextricably linked to larger global stability. Currently, over three-quarters of the nearly 200 UN recognized countries are interconnected through the maritime domain or otherwise deemed maritime nations. Maritime trade already accounts for 90 percent of global trade and over half of the world’s trade (by value). Many nations are also dependent on the sea as their primary source of proteinand other extractable resources. These numbers, however, do not account for an equally substantial volumeand corresponding value of illicit maritime enterprises that many malignant, destabilizing elements need to sustain their power and influence.
In order to sustain some semblance of stability and resist growing pressure from external malign actors, maritime nations must secure the means necessary to stem if not outright stop rising cases of illegal and exploitative maritime activities. These activities include the poaching of natural resources, pollution, piracy, weapons proliferation, human and contraband trafficking, and a multitude of other safety, security, and sovereignty enforcement challenges. Thwarting such activities cannot be possible absent functioning rule of law and supporting governance structures.
Fortunately for the U.S. and the larger international development community, a basic framework or mechanism to address maritime instability already exists, called Maritime Stability Operations (MSO). Additionally, one U.S. government agency in particular is especially qualified and well-suited for this mission, the U.S. Coast Guard.
The following provides a re-introduction to MSO, its preeminence amid the multitude of modern maritime challenges, along with why the Coast Guard—in coordination with the U.S. Department of State (DOS)—must not only be the lead implementing agency but make maritime stability operations its core or priority future mission focus.
Framing the Issue
Many developing and several small island nations still lack sufficient legal and regulatory structures, resources, capacity, and in some cases even the political will to institute governance regimes needed to address growing maritime instability and corresponding sources of conflict. Many of these issues may stem from a simple lack of experience and sufficient education on basic maritime governance structures and reforms. Nevertheless, these weak or lax enforcement zones enable malign actors to operate with relative impunity; thus, enabling them to profit and plunder unimpeded at the expense of local populations and public institutions. Left unchecked, such conditions can diminish any prospect of achieving local and regional stability—let alone prevent the rise of potential large-scale insurrections and armed conflict.
Collectively, the multitude of maritime stability challenges remain at the forefront of modern great power competition and growing global instability. This is increasingly the case in the Asia-Pacific where an overly aggressive, expansionist Chinaroutinely preys on smaller states within its self-proclaimed sphere of influence. However, modern maritime disputes are not limited to the South and East China Seas. In Europe, many Black Sea countries also face aggression over contested maritime claimsextending from the Crimean peninsula and waters adjacent to the Russia-backed separatist region of Abkhazia, Georgia. Europe also faces human trafficking issues and the threat of more mass migration due to lingering instability throughout the Middle East and parts of Africa. Additionally, the Middle East regularly faces threats to its vital hydrocarbon trade and industry, and several strategic maritime chokepoints.
Areas of weak maritime governance also become particularly attractive to and, thus, prone to exploitation by other destabilizing forces ranging from smaller scale, locally-based criminal elements to vast transnational criminal networks, violent extremist groups, and even some state-sponsored proxy forces. Prominent examples include Africa’s vast coastlines where maritime piracy, exploitative fishing, and the trafficking of contraband remain hotly contested issues on both coasts and, in particular, the Gulf of Guinea. Also, the trafficking of illicit narcotics continue virtually unabated throughout the Western Hemisphere—largely by way of maritime conveyance.
Amid the rising instances of maritime exploitation, crime, competition, and instability, revisiting maritime stability operations, as a core U.S. foreign assistance and national security priority, is of utmost importance—if not fundamental to improving global stability. Such strategies, however, must be committed to ensuring that all maritime nations have the necessary means and mechanisms not only to identify violations but ultimately enforce and—if necessary—defend their maritime space.
What is the Maritime Stability Operations (MSO) Framework?
MSO was formally introduced as a military operational concept in 2012, with the release of an interim naval force (i.e., U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard) publication, aptly titled Maritime Stability Operations.The given U.S. Navy title is Naval Warfare Publication 3-07 or NWP 3-07. The release of NWP 3-07 represented the naval response to the Department of Defense (DOD)’s 2005 directive establishing stability operations as a “core U.S. military mission,” with a corresponding mandate to incorporate stability into service-related doctrine and planning. NWP 3-07 was released with the expectation of evolving into formal naval force doctrine and incorporation into future iterations of JP 3-07.
The actual definition of MSO varies. The first known definition appeared in a 2011 Center for Naval Analyses (CNA) report, The Navy Role in Confronting Irregular Challenges. The report identifies MSO as a core naval mission, defined as “assistance and promotion of host nation maritime infrastructure and economic development.” NWP 3-07 provides a more comprehensive definition, describing MSO as “…ensuring that the maritime commons and its structures support the safe flow of commerce and contribute to good governance. Also, by denying those who wish to engage in illegal activity using the maritime domain.”
Unfortunately, NWP 3-07 was never updated in 2014—as was intended—and has yet to be incorporated in JP 3-07. Also, the term “maritime stability operations,” has yet to be adopted within DOD’s official “military and associated terms.” MSO’s stalled momentum is not a reflection of MSO’s diminished importance but rather a shift in U.S. Navy mission prioritization. Additionally, after many years of political infighting over lingering stabilization challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan, it became apparent that DOD wanted out of stability operations. Following the release of the 2018 Stabilization Assistance Review (SAR) and a related DOD directive issued in the same year, it became clear that the Department of State (DOS) would become the new lead for international stabilization efforts with DOD relegated to a supporting element.
The Navy’s shift in mission priorities creates a critical gap in future MSO efforts that must now be filled by DOS and the Coast Guard. Despite the Navy’s shift in mission priorities, MSO remains vital to U.S. national security and, in particular, preventing global conflicts. Echoing DOD’s earlier directive, stability “shall be given priority comparable to combat operations” in order to “secure a lasting peace” through the development of “…indigenous capacity for securing essential services, a viable market economy, rule of law, democratic institutions, and a robust civil society.” Absent this commitment from the Navy, DOS and USAID face another key challenge in that both are lacking in maritime forces and MSO expertise. The primary U.S. government agency with MSO expertise resides within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and, specifically, the U.S. Coast Guard.
Why the U.S. Coast Guard?
Having already articulated the immense global threat posed by growing maritime instability and how maritime governance serves as a core function or aspect in fostering maritime stability, it is important to examine the strategic Coast Guard nexus. Specifically, how does the Coast Guard perceive its roles and responsibilities related to addressing instability in the maritime environment and, in particular, maritime governance? A variety of foundational Coast Guard documents not only acknowledges the vital importance of supporting maritime governance, but how it represents the very essence of everything the Coast Guard does. More importantly, many of the same documents assert that the Coast Guard has a responsibility (i.e., obligation) to act in support of global maritime governance initiatives.
Beginning with the Coast Guard Strategic Plan 2018-2022, the Coast Guard “has the enduring responsibility… to promote our security in a complex and persistently-evolving maritime environment.” A key aspect of this is how “[t]he Coast Guard plays a critical role in strengthening governance in areas of importance.” The plan also acknowledges that pockets of weak governance are routinely being exploited by malicious actors, including “[t]ransnational criminal organizations (TCOs) and other malicious non-state actors [that] erode maritime governance, the rule of law, and regional stability.” In response to these known threats, the plan includes several governance-related objectives; i.e., objectives: 2.1 – Strengthen Maritime Governance; 2.2.2 – Leverage Joint Capabilities and Authorities to Complement DOD; and 2.2.4 – Align International Engagement with National and Departmental Priorities.
Objective 2.1, in particular, states that:
Full spectrum maritime governance provides the foundation for an adaptive and stabilizing framework that is essential to resilience. Nefarious activities destabilize and threaten vulnerable regions. To address these sources of maritime disorder, we will [emphasis added] employ our singular capabilities, authorities, and established partnerships to maintain law and order and uphold accepted behaviors.
Further emphasizing the Coast Guard’s commitment to MSO, the entire Fall 2019 edition of the Coast Guard’s Proceedings journal is singularly devoted to, “Maritime Governance: Addressing the Nation’s Challenges.” Then-Deputy Commandant for Coast Guard Operations Vice Admiral Dan Abel headlined the edition by stating that, “…the vastness, anonymity, and inherent challenges of governance over the maritime domain make [the nation] vulnerable to dangerous threats, including transnational crime, terrorist activity, illegal exploitation of natural resources, and territorial expansion” and that “…strengthening maritime governance is a key objective to enhancing the Coast Guard’s ability to police, detect, deter, and counter maritime threats.” The journal edition also emphasizes the immense “…value the Coast Guard brings to the nation and the world through implementation of its maritime governance responsibilities.” Not the least of which is how “[m]odernizing and improving maritime governance remains a top priority [emphasis added] for the service’s senior leaders.”
Other key journal contributors reinforce why the U.S. Coast Guard, unlike any other U.S. government agency or department, is best-suited to lead the implementation of MSO. The Chief of the Coast Guard’s Office of Standards, Evaluation, and Development, Captain Timothy Brown, noted that, “Maritime governance is a wide ranging topic, with a nexus to all [emphasis added] 11 of the Coast Guard’s statutory missions.” Additionally, the Chief of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy’s Government section, Capt. Russ Bowman, and an Assistant Professor for Maritime Policy, Strategy, and Governance, Dr. Tiffany Smythe, collectively emphasized that maritime governance “…is arguably the essence of everything the U.S. Coast Guard does.”
The Coast Guard’s Security Sector Assistance Strategy also emphasizes that the “Coast Guard’s broad mission portfolio touches all aspects of maritime governance” and, thus, has “a responsibility to share its best practices and hard-fought lessons learned to positively influence the development and operational effectiveness of near-peers and aspiring organizations alike.” Enhancing good maritime governance is also a consistent theme throughout many other core Coast Guard strategic documents such as its Western Hemisphere Strategy, Arctic Strategic Outlook, and Maritime Commerce Strategic Outlook.
Even several DOD publications highlight how the Coast Guard is uniquely suited or “especially qualified” to support MSO. JP 3-07 not only references NWP 3-07, it states that “including United States Coast Guard (USCG) personnel or assets into the joint force maritime component significantly expands the scope of authorities available to the JFC [Joint Force Commander].” Current naval doctrine also uses the all-inclusive (i.e., Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard) label of U.S. “naval” or “maritime” forces. This inclusive language enables DOD to effectively incorporate as well as leverage complementary aspects of the Coast Guard’s unique competencies and authorities related to MSO functions. Also, a 2008 Memorandum of Agreement between DHS and DOD On the Use of U.S. Coast Guard Capabilities and Resources in Support of the National Military Strategy, outlines nine agreed upon “activities for which the Coast Guard is especially qualified.” Incidentally, these nine activities directly correspond to the core functions outlined in NWP 3-07 and most of the missions outlined in the “Global Maritime Partnerships and Security Cooperation” section of Joint Maritime Operations (JP 3-32).
Overall, the Coast Guard is clearly the preferred entity to lead MSO. The Navy’s stated mission is to “maintain, train and equip combat ready Naval forces capable of winning [not preventing] wars…” Conversely, a primary mission of the DOS is preventing wars from occurring in the first place. The Coast Guard, given its broad authorities and inherent multi-mission construct, is commonly caught in between these strategic paradigms but generally favors development and diplomacy over its defense capabilities. Emphasizing this unique position, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, Admiral Karl Schultz, described the Coast Guard as “…a maritime bridge between the Department of Defense’s lethality and the State Department’s diplomacy.” And as tensions related to maritime instability increase, the Coast Guard’s “specialized capabilities and expansive international relationships enables the United States to build partner-nation capacity and model the rules-based values and behaviors” that are fundamental to good governance. Additionally, as highlighted in the Coast Guard’s Security Sector Assistance Strategy, since “[t]he majority of the world’s maritime organizations, regardless of name or ministerial affiliation, are charged with carrying out U.S. Coast Guard-like missions,” the Coast Guard offers a much more relevant, relatable, and least escalatory option for engaging global maritime partners.
What’s Next for MSO?
Some may argue that if the Coast Guard is already doing MSO missions, then why change anything? The answer resides in the need for a clearly defined, national/strategic-level MSO mission mandate with corresponding lines of effort, leadership structures, and funding streams—as none currently exist. Understandably, this may require various legislative changes and shifting strategic frameworks. Traditionally, U.S. maritime forces operate through the lens of many separate and singularly-defined threats (e.g., drugs, illegal fishing, piracy, natural disasters), rather than through a larger, multidimensional or holistic lens. Such rigid, legacy constructs are losing relevance and, as a result, maritime forces must adapt to an increasingly globalized, transregional, and interconnected threat environment.
Shifting to a more modern, holistic approach to MSO—one that clearly prioritizes and delineates appropriate agency roles, responsibilities, and funding based on relevant expertise and strategic global demand—will maximize the potential for improved operational and strategic gains. MSO would not constitute a new Coast Guard mission. Rather, it would merge existing Coast Guard missions under a common, multidimensional strategic mission framework and focus.
This revised approach to MSO may be precisely what CNA research scientist, Joshua Tallis, strongly advocates for in his 2019 book,The War for Muddy Waters: Pirates, Terrorists, Traffickers, and Maritime Security. Specifically, Tallis suggests a growing convergence of networks across multiple streams of illicit activity, along with how maritime security specialists must “evaluate threats in this multidimensional context and collaborate with communities to achieve overarching strategic objectives.” Regarding which agency would be best suited for this mission, Tallis further asserts that:
…as maritime security threats rise in sophistication, it will be increasingly appealing to apply military resources to counter them. Military tactics, however, may not be the ideal mechanisms for addressing challenges that are often closer to crime than they are to war. Leveraging the sea services’ capabilities, without overly militarizing maritime security, is a complicated problem set that requires a more strategic and partner-oriented approach to the challenge.
Others may still question how such a framework would be organized and actually function. The answer resides within existing organic frameworks. The most prominent example is international counternarcotics efforts. The Coast Guard currently serves as the primary maritime interdiction component under the leadership and direction of DOS’ Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. Similarly, the recently passed Maritime SAFE Act, also positions the Coast Guard—in coordination with DOS—to lead planning and implementation of another key MSO-related challenge, countering illegal, unreported, unregulated (IUU) fishing. Perhaps more importantly, a long-standing partnership already exists between DOS and the Coast Guard on a wide range of international maritime partner capacity building and disaster response efforts.
Ultimately, MSO remains critical to global stabilization and is therefore a key strategic priority. The basic foundational framework already exists to support modernizing a U.S. approach to MSO. It is also already widely accepted that the primary elements of MSO constitute a core Coast Guard responsibility and mission focus. And since there is little hope of MSO regaining momentum within DOD, the Coast Guard—in coordination with DOS—must strongly advocate for and fulfill its responsibility to lead MSO reform and implementation. To ensure that MSO receives the appropriate mission emphasis, global support, and relevant expertise, U.S. and international leaders must strongly advocate for formally establishing “Maritime Stability Operations” as a core mission focus of the U.S. Coast Guard for the foreseeable future—as well as demand that such efforts are fully funded and resourced to meet growing global demand for maritime stability operations.
Dan Owen is a career U.S. Coast Guard officer currently assigned as a joint strategic planner in Washington, D.C. The views expressed herein are those of the author and are not to be construed as official or necessarily reflecting the views of the Commandant or of the U.S. Coast Guard.
Featured Image: An Air Station Houston MH-65 Dolphin helicopter practices landing on the Coast Guard Cutter Dauntless during a training exercise in the Gulf of Mexico, June 10, 2016. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Dustin R. Williams)