Tag Archives: Meet-up

CIMSEC DC Memorial Day Meet-Up: May 25th

downloadJoin our DC chapter for a special Memorial Day edition DC-area informal meet-up/happy hour. Capt. Brett Friedman will present a short preview of his new book, 21st Century EllisOperational Art and Strategic Prophecy for the Modern Era. We hope you’ll drop by for drinks and discussions with friends old and new.

Time: Monday, 25 May 6:00-8:30pm
Place: District Chophouse
509 7th St NW
Washington DC

All are welcome – RSVPs not required, but appreciated: [email protected]

CIMSEC Holiday Party

restaurant-exteriorJoin our HQ chapter for its informal holiday party/happy hour. We will be meeting at The Front Page on Dupont Circle to share stories and news of the maritime world, meet new friends, and share a drink with old ones.

Time: Wednesday, 10 December 6:00-8:00pm
Place: The Front Page (Take the south exit). Enter through the lobby of the Robert S Strauss Building (1333 19th St. NW) – the entrance to the bar is to the immediate right. We will be in the elevated seating area to the right as you enter.

All are welcome – RSVPs not required, but appreciated: [email protected]

CIMSEC’s Oct DC Meet-up

lJoin our DC Chapter for its October DC-area informal meet-up/happy hour. We will be meeting at the Hotel Tabard Inn’s Lounge and Bar near the Dupont Circle / Farragut North and West Metro stops to discuss the events of the day (see below) and meet new folk.

Time: Tuesday, 14 October 5:30-9pm
Place: 1739 N Street NW
Washington D.C. 20036

For a starter, many of us will be heading to CSIS, 2 blocks away, for the launch of their Maritime Security Dialogue in partnership with the U.S. Naval Institute

All are welcome – RSVPs not required, but appreciated: [email protected]

CIMSEC DC Chapter Sept Meet-Up – Location Update

aiLdcbu9Location Update:

Confirmed: Third floor, Crystal City Sport Pub

Join our DC chapter for its September meet-up with food, drinks, and conversation at Crystal City Sports Pub (location to be confirmed). At 1800 we will be joined by CIMSEC member CDR Chris Rawley, USNR, and author of Unconventional Warfare 2.0 for a brief discussion of unconventional warfare in a maritime setting followed by a Q&A. Stick around (or join us later) for our traditional informal discussions over drinks.

Time: Wednesday, 10 September 1730-2030 (Discussion with Chris Rawley will begin at 1800)
Place: Crystal City Sports Pub (Upstairs – location to be confirmed)
529 23rd St. S, Arlington VA
Crystal City metro stop (southern-most exit of the Crystal City underground)

From Chris:

Unconventional warfare (UW) is perhaps the most common form of conflict today, yet the least understood.  UW operations in various forms are ongoing in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Mali, and perhaps most prominently in Ukraine. The maritime facet of UW is a relatively untapped subject and not much has been written on it. However, recent activities in the South China Sea have caused me to revisit the original Naval Unconventional Warfare article I wrote in 2007 when I suggested fishing fleets might be used as a surrogate force.

Suggested readings:
– Adam Pasick, “How China’s Enormous Fishing Fleet is Being Used as a Surrogate,” Defense One

– Alex Calvo, “Small Wars and Non-Lethal Force at Sea: Wave of the Future?Small Wars Journal

– David A. Adams, “Repeating Three Strategic Mistakes,” Proceedings

All are welcome and we ask both presenters and questioners alike to be mindful of our diverse audience so as to avoid acronym-talk and speaking in obscure terms of reference. We reserve the right to enforce this in a comical and distracting manner. Please RSVP at [email protected].

October Meet-up: TBD.

Please also let me know If you’re a CIMSEC member who would like to discuss a recent/on-going project or writing you’ve done at a future meet-up.