Naval Wargaming SITREP: “That’s a Lot of Jammers”

By Dmitry Filipoff

More than two weeks after we announced our new naval wargaming initiative, we have gained more than 100 members on our dedicated CIMSEC wargaming discord server. Members have gotten together to play and enjoy demonstrations of new naval wargames, and to casually discuss geopolitics of course. This all makes for an exciting start to our growing community.

Today I will be running a live demonstration of Nebulous Fleet Command from 730-8pm (Eastern), this Friday, March 4. Join us on the demonstration channel in the discord server and watch a demo of a recently released and hotly anticipated naval wargame. Stick around afterward to play some rounds or spectate some live multiplayer matches. From fleet force structure customization to missile salvo tactics, Nebulous offers an exciting and robust naval wargaming experience. Enjoy some Nebulous content below and feel free to join us for tonight’s demonstration. We hope to wargame with you soon!

Join our public CIMSEC Wargaming Discord server here.

Targeted by illuminators and jammers, an enemy battleship takes devastating anti-ship missile and railgun fire.

Another enemy battleship takes even more devastating anti-ship missile and railgun fire.

A heavy cruiser closes with an opposing fleet.

Friendly fleet formations set course at the opening of a match.

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content. Contact him at [email protected].

Featured Image: Battleship riddled by shots (Nebulous Fleet Command screenshot by Dmitry Filipoff)

Sea Control 323 – Embrace the F-Word with Roger Herbert

By Andrea Howard

CAPT Robert Herbert, USN (Ret.) joins the program to discuss his article in the January 2022 edition of USNI Proceedings entitled, “Embrace the F-Word.” He retired in 2021 from the U.S. Naval Academy faculty, where he served as the Robert T. Herres distinguished military professor of ethics. He previously served for 26 years as a Naval Special Warfare officer and commanded SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Two, Naval Special Warfare Unit Three, and the Naval Special Warfare Center.

Sea Control 323 – Embrace the F-Word with Roger Herbert


1. “Embrace the F-Word”  by CAPT Robert Herbert, USN (ret.), USNI Proceedings, January 2022.
2. Call Sign Chaos by Jim Mattis and Bing West, Random House, 2019.
3. Military Ethics: An Introduction with Case Studies by Stephen Coleman, Oxford University Press, 2012.
4. Online Courses by Dr. Deane-Peter Baker and Dr. David Whetham.

Andrea Howard is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Joshua Groover.

Sea Control 322 – Marine Corps Infantry’s Role in EABO

By Walker Mills

US Navy officer Jeong Soo Kim joins the program to discuss his recent essay in USNI Proceedings, “Design the Littoral Combat Team Around Its Core Mission.” Kim argues that the Marine Corps should make new Marine Corps organizations less infantry-centric in order to optimize them for Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations (EABO), and talks about the relationship between Navy and Marine Corps engineer units.

Download Sea Control 322 – Marine Corps Infantry’s Role in EABO


1. “Design the Littoral Combat Team Around Its Core Mission,” by Jeong Soo Kim, USNI Proceedings, November 2021.
2. “Sacred Cows for What? Considering Force Structure Cuts to the Infantry,” by Walker Mills, CIMSEC, November 2019.
3. “Where is the NECC?” by Walker Mills, Marine Corps Gazette, December 2019.
4. “Preparing for the Future: Marine Corps Support to Joint Operations in the Contested Littorals,” by David Berger, Military Review, May 2021.
5. “Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations Handbook: Considerations for Force Development and Employment,” June 1, 2018.
6. “Tentative Manual for EABO,” US Marine Corps, 2020. 

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Marie Williams.

Flotilla SITREP: Russia’s Black Sea Fleet, First F-35C Deployment and Marine Littoral Regiment

By Dmitry Filipoff

This month the CIMSEC Warfighting Flotilla will be discussing current events, including the Russia-Ukraine conflict, as well as the latest developments in naval force development.

Down below is a look at the invites for our upcoming March discussions. We will be holding sessions on the Russia-Ukraine war, the Navy’s first F-35C deployment, and the standup of the first Marine Littoral Regiment. If you haven’t already, sign up through the form below to become a Flotilla member and receive the invites to our upcoming off-the-record March sessions.

Last month the CIMSEC Warfighting Flotilla held sessions focused on the naval dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, Navy cyber effectiveness, and balancing short-term demands with overall combat readiness. These forthright conversations addressed critical opportunities and shortfalls, and helped connect like-minded individuals focused on advancing naval force development and warfighting readiness.

Feel free to visit the Flotilla homepage to learn more about this community, its activities, and what drives it.


Russia-Ukraine War

Major conflict has broken out between Russia and Ukraine. Russia is receiving broad international condemnation and punishment while embattled Ukraine is earning widespread support. How may this conflict play out over the coming weeks and months? How could NATO respond and reinforce itself? Join us to discuss the many dimensions of this new major European conflict.

Read Ahead: Michael Kofman thread on Russian military effectiveness so far.

Navy’s First F-35C Deployment

The Navy just completed its first ever deployment of the F-35C onboard the USS Carl Vinson. With this new aircraft comes an opportunity to reform the carrier air wing, including with respect to tactics, composition, and concepts of operation. How can the Navy make the most of the F-35C and adapt the air wing of the future to field this new platform? What challenges may the Navy face in transitioning much of naval aviation to the F-35? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we consider the Navy’s fielding of this fifth-generation aircraft.

Read Aheads: Three takeaways from the US Navy’s first F-35C deployment,” by Megan Eckstein

What it is Like to Fly an F-35: Interviews with Three F-35 Pilots,” by Kris Osborn

Standing Up the First Marine Littoral Regiment

The Marine Corps is ushering in a wave of reform to make itself more capable in great power competition. Among these reforms is a new formation — the Marine Littoral Regiment. MLRs will be a centerpiece of the new EABO and DMO warfighting concepts, and are intended to employ a variety of novel capabilities and tactics. How could the Marines make full use of the MLRs and fully implement the new formation? What challenges must be managed in transforming Marine units into these new littoral regiments? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we consider the implementation of Marine Littoral Regiments.

Read Ahead: Standup of Marine littoral regiment will usher new gear into Pacific theater,” by Megan Eckstein

Completed February Sessions

Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and The Role of Naval Power in the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

The Russia-Ukraine crisis is brewing with more than 100,000 Russian troops alongside Ukraine’s borders and 140 Russian Navy vessels engaged in exercises. In the event of a significant Russian incursion, how could Russia’s Black Sea Fleet be brought to bear? What operations could be conducted and toward what objectives? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we contemplate the naval dimensions of this major crisis.

Read Ahead: “How Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Could Change the Equation in Ukraine,” by Dr Sidharth Kaushal and Sam Cranny-Evans

Navy Cryptologic and Cyber Warfare Effectiveness

Cyber warfare has long been heralded by Navy and DoD leaders as a critical force multiplier and major arena of competition. But is the Navy well-structured to seize the opportunity of cyber, or effectively defend itself from threats emanating from this domain? To what extent does the Navy’s cryptologic and cyber communities have the resident expertise, training, and integration to be effective? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we consider the Navy’s cyber effectiveness.

Read Ahead: “Navy Cryptologic Warfare Officers Cannot Do Cyber,” by LCDR Derek Bernsen, USNR

Going from Short Term “Can-Do” to “Combat Ready”

The Navy has long operated under a “can-do” logic that sought to maximize the availability of the fleet for operational tasking. But after operating under such logic for decades, many fundamentals of combat readiness have atrophied. How can the Navy restore more balance to the relationship between its availability and readiness? What practices have been corroded by can-do culture, and what opportunities could be seized with a culture change? Join us to discuss these questions and more as we consider the effects of “can-do” culture on the Navy’s combat readiness.

Read Ahead: “Change Can-do to Combat Ready,” by LCDR Aaron Marchant, USN

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content and Community Manager of the Warfighting Flotilla. Contact him at [email protected].

Fostering the Discussion on Securing the Seas.