Category Archives: Announcements

CIMSEC’s Forum for Authors and Readers (CFAR) 2019 – Nominations Open

On 16 July CIMSEC will host the fifth annual CIMSEC Forum for Authors and Readers (CFAR), an event for our readers and the public to engage our contributors on their work and topics of interest. Thanks to the generous support of CNA we are pleased to offer a professional conference on a range of maritime security issues.

The evening will provide a chance to engage your favorite CIMSEC contributors on their work over the preceding year, hear their thoughts on how their pieces have held up, and explore predictions for the coming year.

03 Jun – 07 Jun: Nominations Open
08 Jun – 12 Jun: Voting
13 Jun: Winners Announced
16 Jul: Event

Event Details:
Date: Tuesday, Jul 16th
5:00pm-6:00pm: Pre-Event Reception (Details upon RSVPing)
6:00pm-6:15pm: Welcome
6:15pm-8:00pm: Author Discussions and Q+As
Location: CNA, 3003 Washington Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201

How will the speakers be chosen? All CIMSEC readers are welcome to submit nominations for articles with the only criteria that the article nominated must have appeared on the site on or after 17 April, 2018. After nominations closed, CIMSEC members will vote and the top vote-getters receive invites to speak at CFAR. Not yet a member? Consider joining CIMSEC for free!

CIMSEC Call for Volunteers

By Michael Madrid

Want to get more involved with CIMSEC? We are welcoming volunteers to help out in areas from membership, social media, article editing, website technical support, podcast production, and more. Our organization is understanding enough to be flexible with geographic disparity and busy day jobs. So if you want to join as a volunteer and help grow this community, please email us at [email protected] by May 8.

Michael Madrid is CIMSEC’s Director of Membership. Contact him at [email protected].

Join Us for a CIMSEC Happy Hour/Lightning Rounds at the Front Page on Tuesday, Feb. 19

By Scott Cheney-Peters

Join the band of merry maritime revelers on Tuesday, February 19th at the Front Page for a CIMSEC happy hour and Lightning Round talks. 

CIMSEC’s Lightning Rounds are quick, 5-minute presentations by guests on their current work in the national security world or maritime security challenges they’re grappling with. 

If you’re interested in participating as a presenter or would like to RSVP, please contact CIMSEC DC Chapter co-President John Klein at [email protected]. All are welcome.

When: Tuesday, February 19th, 5:30-7:30pm

Where: The Front Page, 1333 New Hampshire Ave NW, Washington, DC (Dupont Circle metro stop, Red line.)

Featured Image: The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Mahan (DDG 72) displays holiday lighting while moored at her homeport of Naval Station Norfolk, Va., Dec. 20. The ship was decorated as part of Naval Station Norfolk’s annual holiday celebration. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Edward Guttierrez III/RELEASED)

Want Input and New Colleagues? Seeking Peer Review? Share Your Work On CIMSEC

By Niklas Mashur

CIMSEC is seeking to connect our dedicated audience members through a new initiative that will allow readers to leverage each other’s expertise and create new relationships. Inspired from our success in connecting community expertise through our Call for Input postings with the U.S. Naval War College’s Institute of Future Warfare Studies and the Pathfinder Foundation, CIMSEC would like to introduce a new Call for Collaboration series. Readers are invited to submit information about themselves and their ongoing research projects to be posted online so that they may make themselves available to the greater community for engagement.

In spirit with maintaining a low barrier to entry for engagement, interested parties are only asked to submit the following: Name, organization (if applicable), a research project that the individual is currently pursuing or is seriously considering, relevant materials (if applicable), and contact information. This information will be used to create public listings of serious and interested researchers to be posted and maintained on the CIMSEC website. This is a new benefit we are offering our members, and interested individuals may quickly register for free CIMSEC membership here. If interested in being listed, please send your information to the Director of Member Publicity at [email protected].

As some individuals would like to take advantage of this new collaboration series but may not wish to make their contact information public, they can opt to list the [email protected] account instead to have CIMSEC act as a trusted intermediary. CIMSEC is also open to publishing individual Call for Input postings for larger-scale and organizational initiatives such as those mentioned above. There is no obligation to post research derived from this collaboration on CIMSEC, though that is always encouraged.

A sample entry, adapted from our recent Call for Input from the Pathfinder Foundation, may appear as follows:

Research Project: A Draft Code of Conduct for the Indian Ocean
: Admiral (Dr.) Jayanath Colombage and Ambassador Bernard Goonetilleke
Organization: Pathfinder Foundation
Details: The Pathfinder Foundation is preparing a preliminary draft of a Code of Conduct aimed at organizing cooperative efforts to take action to meet security challenges in the Indian Ocean, including those posed by non-state actors. The draft which, where appropriate, follows the structure of Codes of Conduct designed for East Africa (Djibouti Code of Conduct) and West Africa (Yaoundé Code of Conduct) concluded under the auspices of IMO, is offered for review and comment.
Materials: Draft Code of Conduct
Point of Contact: [email protected]

We hope this new initiative will help foster greater connectivity and engagement between our dedicated readers. These connections will in turn create new working relationships, enhance the dialogue on defense and foreign policy issues, and give rise to new understandings born from collaboration.

Niklas Masuhr is CIMSEC’s Director of Member Publicity. Contact him at [email protected].

Featured Image: PHILIPPINE SEA (March 3, 2018) Sailors assigned to the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Mustin (DDG 89) heave a line during a replenishment-at-sea with the fleet replenishment oiler USNS Rappahannock (T-AO-204). (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class William McCann/Released)