By Alex Clarke
Hello, this time it’s slightly more somber than normal, but is certainly very much another historically informed maritime current events podcast! Or Bilge Pumps as we three naval geeks of yore call it.
So what is episode seven all about? Well the #Bilgepumps team are being both ultra-topical and ultra-historical, as in this episode, recorded on the 15th of July 2020, we considered the fire that raged through USS Bonhomme Richard as well as the realities and difficulties of damage control on ships. Moving on from this we consider the options facing the U.S. Navy as it is now presented with a significant capability gap. Finally, we go with Tauvine’s suggestion of what battles or operations should really become movies?
#Bilgepumps is still a new series and new avenue, and although possibly no longer having the new car smell, we are getting the impression that it’s liked. But now we need you. Do you have suggestions for topics? Comments on how we could improve? Or most importantly, ideas for artwork, then please either tweet them to us the Bilgepump crew (with #Bilgepump) at Alex (@AC_NavalHistory), Drach (@Drachinifel), and Jamie (@Armouredcarrier). Or you can comment on our Youtube channels (listed down below).
3. Jamie’s Youtube Channel Armoured Carriers
Alex Clarke is the producer of The Bilge Pumps podcast.
Contact the CIMSEC podcast team at [email protected].