Bilge Pumps 12 – Modularity, Turkey, Greece, and Beirut

By Alex Clarke

Hoots and hoorays, it’s yet another historically informed maritime current events podcast inbound! Or Bilge Pumps as we three regular naval geeks of easy listening disposition call it. To put it another way, imagine three naval historians having a chat while sitting by the dock on the bay, watching the tide roll away, but it’s done by Skype, recorded, there is no water around, and honestly none of us are really that patient.

So what is Episode 12 all about? Well the #Bilgepumps team is being topical, and this time it is all viewer suggestions and requests. This time we discuss modularity, Turkey and Greece, and Beirut. And in next week’s episode, we will have CDR Salamander to talk about the future of escort design.

#Bilgepumps is still a new series and new avenue, and although possibly no longer having the new car smell, we are getting the impression that it’s liked. But now we need you. Do you have suggestions for topics? Comments on how we could improve? Or most importantly, ideas for artwork, then please either tweet them to us the Bilgepump crew (with #Bilgepumps) at Alex (@AC_NavalHistory), Drach (@Drachinifel), and Jamie (@Armouredcarrier). Or you can comment on our Youtube channels (listed down below). 

Download Bilge Pumps 12 – Modularity, Turkey, Greece, and Beirut


Alex Clarke is the producer of The Bilge Pumps podcast.

Contact the CIMSEC podcast team at [email protected].

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