The votes of our first coverage-focusing poll have been tallied and it looks as though the crew at CIMSEC will be training their analytic guns at new Sea-Based Nations, which handidly beat runners-up Russia and Brazil in the “Country” polling. Sea-Based Nations Week will commence 27 August, so anyone with an interest in suggesting a line of inquiry or wishing to do some writing of their own can drop me a line at [email protected]. For an idea of what sea-based nations are, exactly, check out Gizmodo, the Economist, or The Seasteading Institute.
In the “Threats, Platforms, Technologies” category, “U.S. Basing Options” squeaked by in a 1-vote win over “Shipbuilding Modularity” and will be the subject of a future article as well. Those subjects and countries which lost in the voting will never be spoken of again at this site (okay, we’ll keep them on the back-burner).
In other news, info will be out shortly on our DC August meet-up. So stay tuned!
2 thoughts on “And The Winner Is….”