September continues to be a busy month in DC and abroad. Check out these upcoming events while you monitor world events. Also note we’ve added a new “favourite” for events – Rethinking Seminar. Entering it’s 10th year, the wildly successful seminar that JHU/APL has organized and sponsored features a recurring series of seminars on national security and foreign relations topics. These free events, held near the Pentagon, bring together distinguished speakers and those interested in exploring such important issues. The evening seminars are open to the public with videos and related materials later posted to this website.
Upcoming Events:
09 September – Doha – This Brookings Doha Center discussion aims to address the underlying problems facing the political situation in Iraq. What are the key problems hindering national reconciliation? What are the effects of regional developments – especially the crisis in Syria – on the Iraqi political system? What is the role of outside powers in shaping the political future of Iraq? Doha Center Director Salman Shaikh moderates Ali Al-Dabbagh, Former Government Spokesman, Republic of Iraq; Falah Al-Nakib, Former Minister of Interior, Republic of Iraq; and Nisar Talabany, Senior Advisor to the Prime Minister, Kurdistan Regional Government.
11 September – Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Michael Turner, Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee on Tactical Air and Land Forces provides the keynote address on invigorating U.S./ Japanese relationships through natural gas partnerships. Sponsored by the American Enterprise Institute.
13 September – Washington, DC – The Center for Strategic and International Studies will host a Technology-Strategy Seminar in their Washington, DC headquarters. NATO’s culminating military strategy in the end-game of the Cold War was AirLand Battle. Tailored for deterrence and to win if deterrence failed, AirLand Battle was also structured to account for the political necessities of assurance and NATO cohesion. Cold War assurance and deterrence is essentially the only experience available on which to base thinking about extended deterrence in the future; although of course not all the Cold War lessons may be valid for the future. Dr. Jim Tegnelia and Dr. Rich Wagner were involved in helping to invent and implement AirLand Battle. They will discuss what it was, how it came to be, and how it worked, politically and militarily, and will speculate on lessons for the future.
10 October – Washington, DC – For the Rethinking Seminar Dr. Payne will examine and discuss the minimum requirements for U.S. nuclear weapons and the underlying assumptions behind the calls for nuclear weapons reductions, subjects which were recently examined in the NIPP monograph Minimum Deterrence: Examining the Evidence. Dr. Payne acted as the study director along with his duties as President and CEO of NIPP, a non-profit research center. If you have any additional events that might be of interest t our readers, please email [email protected].