Transforming the Marine Corps Topic Week Kicks Off on CIMSEC

By Dmitry Filipoff

For the next two weeks CIMSEC will be featuring articles sent in response to our call for articles on transforming the U.S. Marine Corps. 

The Marine Corps is in the midst of a far-reaching and controversial transformation. As the USMC sheds many of the legacy platforms and capabilities that helped define it for years, it has taken on new roles and technologies to conduct Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations and function as stand-in forces. These reforms are being implemented through the overarching Force Design 2030 initiative, which has sparked heated debate about the merits of this transformation and what the Marine Corps ought to become to remain relevant through the 21st century. 

Below are the articles and authors being featured in this series, which may be updated with further submissions as Transforming the Marine Corps Topic Week unfolds.

Stand-In Forces: Disrupting Anti-Access Systems,” by Joseph Mozzi
Locate, Close With, Destroy,” by Ian Brown
EABO Beyond the Indo-Pacific: Reimagining the “Battle of the Aegean,” by Capt. Ross W. Gilchriest, USMC
Preparing for Change is as Important as Change Itself: Change Management and Force Design 2030,” by Carl Forsling
Antisubmarine Warfare for the Amphibious Warfare Team,” by The Good Sailor Svejk
The First Stand-in Forces: The Role of International Affairs Marines in Force Design 2030,” by Majors Zach Ota and Eric Hovey, USMC
Marine Corps Metamorphosis: Legal Considerations,” by Brent Stricker
The Importance of Unmanned Logistics Support For a Transforming Marine Corps,” by George Galdorisi
When Only a Chisel Will Do: Marine Corps Force Design for the Modern Era,” by Capt. Jesse Schmitt
Missing: Expeditionary Air Defense,” by Ben DiDonato

Dmitry Filipoff is CIMSEC’s Director of Online Content. Contact him at [email protected].

Featured Image: U.S. Marines with 3d Marine Littoral Regiment, 3d Marine Division present arms during the redesignation ceremony of 3d Marines to 3d MLR aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii, March 3, 2022. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Patrick King)

One thought on “Transforming the Marine Corps Topic Week Kicks Off on CIMSEC”

  1. Marines don’t like change and the way things are. A proactive approach to integrated deterrence involves new methods of thinking to minimize or avoid kinetic activity. General Engineering outweighs the need for Combat Engineering in grey zone activities. More strategic building of capacity and capability with A/PN reduces the demand for breaching and bridging.

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