Events Week of 07 – 13 November 2013
A roundup of events we think our readers may find interesting. Inclusion does not equal
endorsement, all descriptions are the events’ own. Think of one we should include? Email Grant at [email protected].
07 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Hudson Center for American Sea Power – “Sea Power: Is the Sun Setting in the West or Rising in East?”. The Royal Navy today is a shrinking shadow of its former self. Nineteen surface ships currently exist in the entire Royal Navy where more than three times that number made up the surface fleet during the Falklands War of 1982. The U.S. fleet has also experienced large decreases, although not on the same scale. Where the U.S. Navy had almost 600 ships in the mid-1980s, it is down to 284 today with the likelihood of additional large reductions in the future even if sequestration is lifted. Admiral Christopher Parry, Royal Navy, (ret.) will look at what reductions in naval power on both sides of the Atlantic mean for the U.S. and the U.K., as well as for NATO and the West generally. He will examine what the simultaneous rise in Asian naval strength means for Western naval strategy, and more important, the West’s role as defender of the international order.
07 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies – “Putting the Asia-Pacific Pivot in Perspective”.
11 November 2013 – London – King’s College – “New Nuclear Initiatives in Arms Control and Nonproliferation – Likelihood of Success?”. President Obama’s renewed commitment to ‘a world without nuclear weapons’ along with ongoing challenges over Iran, North Korea, and within the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, have given rise to numerous new initiatives in arms control and nonproliferation. A panel will discuss four such initiatives, including the humanitarian impacts of nuclear weapons initiative, the ‘P5 process’ with the five NPT-recognized Nuclear Weapon States, US-Russia arms control, and developments in Chinese nuclear policy.
12 November 2013 – Washington, DC – The Atlantic Council – “NATO’s Deterrence and Collective Defense”. This event is part of the Atlantic Council and IFS project on NATO in an Era of Global Competition. This eighteen-month project examines new ways of thinking strategically about NATO’s future role in the context of emerging security challenges, global power shifts, and disruptive technologies. The first conference in this series, NATO in a New Security Landscape, which took place in June, covered emerging trends in the global security environment and identified key challenges that NATO must confront to maintain strategic relevance in the future.
13 November 2013 – Washington, DC – 10th Annual Disruptive Thinkers Technologies Conference
14 November 2013 – India – The Diplomat – “International Conference on Future Challenges in Earth Sciences for Energy and Mineral Resources”.
14 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Foundation for Innovation and Discovery – “Implementing Innovation”.
14 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Brookings Institute – “Israel’s Economy and Security in a Changing Middle East”.
14 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Carnegie – “China’s Views on Prompt Global Strike”.
16 November 2013 – India – The Diplomat – “Global Maritime International Conference”.
18 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Hudson Institute – “Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding”.
20 November 2013 – Washington DC – CIMSEC’s DC Chapter Monthly Informal Meet-up
25 November 2013 – Washington, DC – Cato Institute – “Rethinking U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy”.
25 November 2013 – London – King’s College – “Russia and the Caspian Sea: Projecting Power or Competing for Influence?”
10 December 2013 – Washington, DC – USNI – 2013 Defense Forum Washington: Shaping the New Maritime Strategy and Navigating the Budget Gap Reality.
17-18 December 2013 – Washington, DC – Center for Strategic and International Studies – PONI Series: The PONI Conference Series, now in its tenth year, offers an opportunity for rising experts in the field to present findings from their research in order to advance the broader discussion on nuclear weapons issues. It also seeks to provide a venue for interaction among people from different sectors and for mid-career and senior members of the community to mentor their junior counterparts.
14-16 January 2014 – Washington, DC – Maritime Administration – “National Maritime Strategy Symposium: Cargo Opportunities and Sealift Capacity”.