By Jared Samuelson
Sebastian Bae (@SebastianBae) joins Jared (@jwsc03) to discuss his own development as a wargamer and designer, the genesis for Georgetown University’s new wargaming program, the Georgetown University Wargaming Society, the explosion of wargaming in both the academic world and Department of Defense and what he’s learned in his first year of teaching. One editor’s note: Nick Murray was identified as working for the Naval Postgraduate School during the podcast. He works for the Naval War College.
Download Sea Control 166 – Georgetown’s Wargaming Program with Sebastian Bae
1. Georgetown Wargaming Society.
2. Reflections on Teaching Wargame Design by James “Pigeon” Fielder.
3. Simulating War by Philip Saban.
Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].
Great interview! It’s encouraging to hear how it was easy for Sebastian to get so much help from professional colleagues. Best of luck with the GUWS too!