Sea Control- Doyle Hodges Interview (Download)
So, as required of millennials (or people who know millennials) with opinions, we’ve started a weekly (we hope) podcast. Think of it as your moment of PowerPoint Rehab. Our first episode is with Doyle Hodges, author of the 1998 USNI Article, “Listen to the JO’s“. We intended to talk about leadership, which we made a great college try of. In the end, we segwayed into sea stories, technology, and other things. I am easily distracted and he has a beard. What do you expect? I suppose that’s at least ONE advantage of the “Next Slide” button.
If you have any suggestions, want to get involved, or have ideas for the show, email me at [email protected]. If I know what I’m doing (which I don’t) it may be on Itunes soon.