Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 80 – Shangri-La Dialogue and SE Asia Security

seacontrol2In this week’s Sea Control: Asia Pacific, Natalie Sambhi brings you essential updates from Southeast Asia, beginning with Bloomberg’s Indonesia correspondent Chris Brummitt on the Shangri-La Dialogue’s highlights and his interview with the Indonesian Defence Minister. Next is Andrew Carr from the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre, Australian National University on what to expect from this year’s Asia-Pacific Roundtable in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Lastly, special guest Herizal Hazri from the Asia Foundation gives a regional perspective on the recent Rohingya asylum seeker crisis, Malaysian politics and the future for ASEAN.

Download: Shangri-la Dialogue and SE Asian Security

Sea Control 79 – Post-Election UK Defence & Foreign Policy

seacontrol2Hallo, and welcome to the East Atlantic Sea Control post General Election 2015 discussion, please join the host Alex Clarke, and panellists Paul Fisher and Chris Parry as they delve into the murky world of divining what the world of Conservative (Slim) Majority government will mean for defence.
For those wishing to read more on this topic, we highly recommend Alan Hensher’s PTT paper, Defence of the Realm  Alex Clarke’s papers Protecting Exclusive Ecconomic Zones (Part 1 & Part 2) & The Defence Debate – why the UK needs to change the subject  and perhaps go back to listen to a previous podcast in this series…
For those wishing for more information on blue hair day, go to:



Sea Control 78 – US China Strategic Competition and New Voices

seacontrol2This week’s podcast grapples with geopolitics in Asia. Natalie Sambhi (Australian Strategic Policy Institute) interviews Evan Laksmana (Center for Strategic and International Studies in Jakarta) and Andrew Kwon (Alliance 21, United States Studies Centre in Sydney) on Asia’s maritime disputes in the East China Sea and South China Sea, US–China strategic competition, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, alliance politics, and a potential role for Indonesia and Australia in diplomacy and crisis management.

All three were honoured to be speakers and participants on Friday at New Voices 2015, hosted by the Lowy Institute for International Policy where Evan is a Visiting Fellow. The views expressed in this podcast are personal views and do not represent the views of their respective organisations or affiliations.

DOWNLOAD: US China Strategic Competition and New Voices

Production: Matthew Hipple
Host: Natalie Sambhi
Music: Sam LaGrone

Sea Control 77 – Vietnam with CAPT Swartz

seacontrol2CAPT Peter Swartz (Ret.) is well known in circles of strategy and navy policy… but today he brings us a story more personal than policy. We interview him on his time in Vietnam, from field operations to staff work in Saigon, how he met his wife in-country, working for ADM Zumwalt, and how is family was evacuated from Vietnam after the 1975 fall.

DOWNLOAD: Vietnam with CAPT Swartz

Host and Production: Matthew Hipple
Music: Sam LaGrone