All posts by Walker Mills

Sea Control 308 – Maritime Security & Cameroon with Dr. Maurice Beseng

By Walker Mills

Sea Control talks with Dr. Maurice Beseng, a researcher at Sheffield University, about his recent article in the journal African Security entitled: “The Nature and Scope of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Fisheries Crime in Cameroon: Implications for Maritime Security.” The conversation covers the links between fisheries crime and maritime security as well as the role of Chinese and foreign fishermen in the region and the potential impact of chronic fish scarcity.

Download Sea Control 308 – Maritime Security & Cameroon with Dr. Maurice Beseng


1. “The Nature and Scope of Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Fisheries Crime in Cameroon: Implications for Maritime Security” by Maurice Beseng, African Security, 2021.
2. Sea Control 256 – Reporting From the Sea With Ian Urbina by Walker Mills, CIMSEC, June 6, 2021
Dr. Beseng’s website.

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Dr. Ed Salo.

Sea Control 306 – Covert Logistics with Chris Booth

By Walker Mills

Sea Control talks with Chris Booth about his recent essays on covert maritime logistics in the Second World War, using mules for logistics, and seaplanes, which appeared in War on the Rocks, Small Wars Journal, and USNI Proceedings, respectively.

Download Sea Control 306 – Covert Logistics with Chris Booth


1. “The Modern Shetland Bus: The Lure of Covert Maritime Vessels for Great-Power Competition,” by Chris Booth, War on the Rocks, December 29, 2020.
2. “Mules: Recommitting to Pack Animals Across the Spectrum of Armed Conflict,” by Chris Booth, Small Wars Journal, May 19, 2021.
3. “Unfurl the Banners: Privateers and Commerce Raiding of China’s Merchant Fleet in Developing Markets,” by Chris Booth and Walker Mills, War on the Rocks, February 18, 2021.
4. “Pierre Sprey, Pentagon Analyst Who Battled Brass to Produce A-10 Warplane, Dies at 83,” by Matt Schudel, The Washington Post, August 20, 2021.
5. Sea Control 288: Chinese Civilian Shipping and the Threat to Taiwan with Tom Shugart, CIMSEC, October 28, 2021.
6. “Pack Animals – The German Mountain Infantry Brigade,” NATO, February 18, 2019.
7. “Overcome the Tyranny of Distance,” by Chris Booth, USNI Proceedings (December 2020).
8. “Give Amphibians a Second Look,” by Walker Mills and Dylan Philips-Levine, USNI Proceedings, December 2020.
9. “Bring Back the Seaplane,” by David Alman, War on the Rocks, July 1, 2020.
10. “Cocaine Logistics for the Marine Corps,” by Walker Mills, Dylan Philips-Levine and Collin Fox, War on the Rocks, July 22, 2020.
11. “Modern Sea Monsters: Revisiting Wing in Ground Effect Aircraft for the Next Fight,” by Walker Mills, Joshua Taylor and Dylan Philips-Levine, USNI Proceedings, September 2020.

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by William McQuiston.

Sea Control 303 – The Case for Seaplanes with David Alman

By Walker Mills

Host Walker Mills talks with Air National Guard officer David Alman about his essays on seaplanes that have appeared in USNI Proceedings, War on the Rocks, and CIMSEC. Alman explains the history of seaplanes in the navy, what happened to them, and why it’s time to bring them back into the force.

Download Sea Control 303 – The Case for Seaplanes with David Alman


1. “A Japanese Seaplane Could be the Difference Maker for the U.S. Military,” by David Alman, War on the Rocks, November 4, 2021.
2. “Bring Back the Seaplane,” by David Alman, War on the Rocks, July 1, 2020.
3. “Extend Air Wing Range with Seaplane Tankers,” by David Alman, USNI Proceedings, May 2021.
4. “Seaplanes go to War: The Role Seaplanes Played During WWII,” by David Alman, USNI Proceedings, August 2021.
5. “From Sea to Sky,” by David Alman, CIMSEC (December 10, 2019).
6. “Give Amphibians a Second Look,” by Walker Mills and Dylan Phillips-Levine, USNI Proceedings, December 2020.
7. War Plan Orange: The US Strategy to Defeat Japan, 1897-1945, by Edward S. Miller, Naval Institute Press 2007.
8. “Implementing Expeditionary ASW,” by Walker Mills, Dylan Phillips-Levine, Trevor Phillips-Levine and Collin Fox, USNI Proceedings, April 2021.
9. “AFSOC plans to demo amphibious MC-130J by end of next year, commander says,” by Leila Barghouty, Defense News, September 20, 2021.
10. “Air Force special operations general visits Japan to gain insight on seaplanes,” by Jonathan Snyder, Stars and Stripes, November 10, 2021.
11. “DARPA Requests Information for Wing-In-Ground Effect Aircraft for the US Military,” by Peter Ong, Naval News, August 24, 2021.
12. “Modern Sea Monsters: Revisiting Wing-in-Ground Effect Aircraft for the Next Fight,” by Walker Mills, Joshua Taylor and Dylan Phillips-Levine, USNI Proceedings, September 2020.

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Marie Williams.

Sea Control 299 – Maritime Insecurity in the Age of Revolutions

By Walker Mills

Dr. Vanessa Mongey and Dr. Tyson Reeder discuss their new books, Rogue Revolutionaries and Smugglers, Pirates and Patriots in a discussion that covers the role the maritime space played in spreading revolution in the western hemisphere during the “Age of Revolutions.”

Download Sea Control 299 – Maritime Insecurity in the Age of Revolutions


1. Rogue Revolutionaries: The Fight for Legitimacy in the Greater Caribbean, by Vanessa Mongey, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020.
2. Smugglers, Pirates and Patriots: Free Trade in the Age of Revolution, by Tyson Reeder, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019.
3. Sea Control 239: “Things Done By Halves” by Walker Mills with Dr. BJ Armstrong, CIMSEC, April 11, 2021. 
4. Dr. Mongey’s Website.

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Marie Williams.