The votes are in and the topic for our April Analysis Week will be “Alternatives to the DDG Flight III” (full results below). Please help make this week a success and consider jotting down and submitting a few thoughts on the possibilities – in this case for the U.S. Navy – whether it be alternative platforms, technologies, organizations, tactical concepts, or something else entirely. If you’re interested in submitting or have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
The week will kick off April 29th.
Alternatives to the Flight DDG III: 25%
Lack of an amphibious navy and IR policy implications: 19%
What would a drone-carrier look like: 19%
Shaking up a Navy’s personnel system: 14%
Replacing the function/role of a carrier with a system of tech: 7%
What are the navy’s core capabilities: 7%
Russia: 7%
Directed energy weapons – second-order effects: 4%
Cyber security: 0%