The topic for our April Analysis Week 2013 was “Alternatives to the DDG Flight III”.
We asked contributors to consider jotting down and submitting a few thoughts on the possibilities – in this case for the U.S. Navy – whether it be alternative platforms, technologies, organizations, tactical concepts, or something else entirely. Kick off April 29th, we received the following submissions for your perusing pleasure:
Scott Cheney-Peters: Overview: Whither the Flight III DDG
Nic di Leonardo: The Capability Cost of a U.S. Sea Shield.
Armando J. Heredia: The View from the Cheap Seats: Alternatives to DDG-51 Flight III
Prezemek Krajewski: Flight III – A Piece of the Surface Combatant Puzzle
Patrick Kiefer, Sebastian Bruns, H. Vic Allen: Wrapping Up Alternatives to Flight III DDG