Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 169 – Larry Bond and Sebastian Bruns on Harpoon, Red Storm Rising, and Tom Clancy

By Jared Samuelson

It’s our 20th episode since the relaunch of Sea Control! Author and wargamer Larry Bond joins Dr. Sebastian Bruns (@naval_gazing) to discuss the development of his wargame Harpoon (to include an announcement on a new release!), his relationship with Tom Clancy, wargaming in support of the novel Red Storm Rising, and how they came up with the book’s endgame. Additionally, we cover exercise Able Archer 83, taking a wargaming pitch from Sid Meier, and more than a few other stories! 

Download Sea Control 169 – Larry Bond and Sebastian Bruns on Harpoon, Red Storm Rising, and Tom Clancy

Sea Control 168 – Operation Albion with Dr. Bruce Gudmundsson and Tim Powledge

By Jared Samuelson

If you’re a naval integration fan, this episode is for you! Dr. Bruce Gudmundsson, a military historian with the Military Learning Gateway,* and career Marine infantryman Tim Powledge join Jared to break down Operation Albion. As World War I wound down, the Germans launched an assault on the Baltic Islands in an attempt to knock the Russian Empire from the war. The resulting was the most successful amphibious operation of World War I.

Sea Control 168 – Operation Albion with Dr. Bruce Gudmundsson and Tim Powledge


Operation Albion: the German Conquest of the Baltic Islands

Military Learning Gateway

*Correction: An earlier version of this post indicated that Dr. Bruce Gudmundsson was a full-time historian with Marine Corps University, which was no longer the case as of 2017.

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected]

Sea Control 167 – Indonesia’s Maritime Security Challenges

By Jared Samuelson

It’s a packed house on this episode of Sea Control! Sea Control host emeritus Natalie Sambhi (@securityscholar) returns to join Gilang Kembara (@barakembara) and Blake Herzinger (@bdherzinger) to discuss Indonesia’s maritime security challenges, controversial fishing policies, the national response to Chinese incursions into Indonesian waters, Indonesian naval modernization, and much more!

Sea Control 167 – Indonesia’s Maritime Security Challenges


3. The China Maritime Militia Bookshelf

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

Sea Control 166 – Georgetown’s Wargaming Program with Sebastian Bae

By Jared Samuelson

Sebastian Bae (@SebastianBae) joins Jared (@jwsc03) to discuss his own development as a wargamer and designer, the genesis for Georgetown University’s new wargaming program, the Georgetown University Wargaming Society, the explosion of wargaming in both the academic world and Department of Defense and what he’s learned in his first year of teaching. One editor’s note: Nick Murray was identified as working for the Naval Postgraduate School during the podcast. He works for the Naval War College.

Download Sea Control 166 – Georgetown’s Wargaming Program with Sebastian Bae


1. Georgetown Wargaming Society.

2. Reflections on Teaching Wargame Design by James “Pigeon” Fielder.

3. Simulating War by Philip Saban.

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected]