Category Archives: Podcast

Main podcast series of CIMSEC.

Sea Control 173 – German Civ-Mil Relations with Sascha Stoltenow and Heike Brüggemannn

By Jared Samuelson

Join German historian and communications specialist Sascha Stoltenow (@bendlerblogger) and local government official Heike Brüggemann (@bruggemannheike) to discuss the changing relationship between Germany and the Bundeswehr. Topics include Sascha’s brush with COVID-19, the Bundeswehr’s social media campaign, the positive effects of new commuter policy, and how the civil-military relationship is evolving during COVID-19.

Sea Control 173 – German Civ-Mil Relations with Sascha Stoltenow and Heike Brüggeman


1. Bendler Blog
2. Augen geradeaus!

3. Nicholas Kulish, “No Parade for Hans,” The New York Times, November 14, 2009. 
4. Sicherheitshalber
5. Walter Haynes, “Explaining the Poverty of Germany’s Strategic Debate,” War on the Rocks, June 18, 2019.
6. Elisabeth Braw, “No Military Has Done More for Corona-Stricken Allies than Germany’s,Defense One, April 16, 2020.

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact him at [email protected]. 

Sea Control 172 – Mexican Maritime Challenges with Christian Ehrlich

By Jared Samuelson

Mexican naval analyst Christian Ehrlich (@CJEhrlichM) joins Jared (@jwsc03) to discuss Mexican maritime security challenges, the role of the Mexican Marine Corps, piracy in the Gulf of Mexico, the Mexican shipbuilding industry, and more!

Download Sea Control 172 – Mexican Maritime Challenges with Christian Ehrlich


3. Mexican Strategic Landscape, The Institute of Strategy and Development Research, March 2020

4. Pirates Raid Ships in the Gulf of Mexico, The Yucatan Times, April 17, 2020

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact him at [email protected]. 

Sea Control 171 – Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay with Dr. Jamie Goodall

By Jared Samuelson

Dr. Jamie Goodall (@L_Historienne) joins me (@jwsc03) to discuss her book, Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay. We discuss the difference between privateering and piracy, what made the Chesapeake such an incubator for piracy, the importance of the Bay as a transit point in early America, the Battle of the Barges and more!

Download Sea Control 171 – Pirates of the Chesapeake Bay with Dr. Jamie Goodall


5. The One-Man Blockade of Great Britain – Thomas Boyle and the ‘Pride of Baltimore’

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact him at [email protected]

Sea Control 170 – Clausewitz, Corbett, and Corvettes with Sascha Rackwitz

By Jared Samuelson

If you haven’t read Sascha Rackwitz’s (@racki173) article, “Clausewitz, Corbett & Corvettes,” go read it now! Then come back and listen to Sascha sit down with me (@jwsc03) and discuss his perspective on U.S., Chinese, and Russian worldviews, sea control and sea denial in the Baltic, the Commandant’s Planning Guidance, and the importance of navies to deterrence. 

Download Sea Control 170 – Clausewitz, Corbett & Corvettes with Sascha Rackwitz


1. “Clausewitz, Corbett & Corvettes” by Sascha Rackwitz

2. Commandant’s Planning Guidance

Jared Samuelson is the Senior Producer of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact him at [email protected]