It’s the time of the month again when CIMSECians get hungry and/or thirsty. For March’s DC meet-up we’ll be checking out Fuel Pizza Cafe (600 F St NW) in downtown D.C., 1 block from Gallery Pl/Chinatown stop. We hope you’ll join us for this informal gathering to discuss the maritime issues of the day, nominate topics for our next “week” of analysis, meet some interesting people, or just grab a beer and slice of pizza.
Place: Fuel Pizza Cafe (ask at front if you don’t know us)
600 F St., NW (Exit at the Gallery Pl/Chinatown stop on the red/green/yellow lines, “Arena” exit – 1 block east).
All are welcome and no RSVP is required, but if you’re planning on coming drop me a line so we have an idea of how many seats to reserve: [email protected]
We also plan to discuss this riveting report: