All posts by Walker Mills

Sea Control 225 – IUU Fishing and the Evolution of Sea Shepherd with Dr. Claude Berube

By Walker Mills

Sea Control 225 – Claude Berube joins Sea Control host Walker Mills for a conversation on the Sea Shepherd organization, IUU fishing and private approaches to maritime security. Claude discusses his recent report for the US Naval War College on the evolution of the Sea Shepherd organization from an “eco-vigilante” to a “legitimate maritime capacity builder.” You can check out his report here.

Download Sea Control 225 – IUU Fishing and the Evolution of Sea Shepherd with Dr. Claude Berube


1. “Sea Control 153 – USS Constitution with Angry Staff Officer and Dr. Claude Berube,” Claude Berube, Angry Staff Officer with Jared Samuelson, CIMSEC (2020).
2. “Sea Control 156 – Sink the Montana!,” Claude Berube with Jared Samuelson, CIMSEC (2020).
The Preble Hall Podcast by the USNA Museum.
Maritime Private Security: Market Responses to Piracy, Terrorism and Waterborne Security Risks in the 21stCentury, edited by Claude Berube and Patrick Cullen, Routledge (2012).
5. “Blackwaters for the Blue Waters: The Promise of Private Naval Companies,” by Claude Berube, Orbis (2007).
6. “Standup a Joint Interagency Task Force to Fight Illegal Fishing,” by Claude Berube, CIMSEC (2020).
Taste of War: World War II and the Battle for Food, by Lizzie Collingham, Penguin Books (2013).
8. “Sea Shepherd: The Evolution of an Eco-Vigilante to Legitimized Maritime Capacity Builder,” by Claude Berube, U.S. Naval War College Center for Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups (2020).
9. “Leveraging NGOs and Volunteerism for Maritime Surveillance Against IUU Fishing,” by Walker Mills, Dylan Philips-Levine and Trevor Philips-Levine, CIMSEC (2020).
10. “Advantage At Sea,” U.S. Tri-Service Maritime Strategy (2020).
11. “Competition Continuum,” U.S. Department of Defense (2020).
12. “Thunder Road: Outsourcing the Fight Against Illegal Fishing,” by Claude Berube, War on the Rocks (2015).
13. “Trump’s Gunboats: Achieving the Goal of 350 or 355 Ships will be Challenging,” by Claude Berube, The National Interest (2016).
14. “Online Event: Strategic Perspectives on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing,” panel discussion with Craig Faller and Karl Schultz, Center for Strategic & International Studies (2020).
15. “The Maritime Story Missing in “Civilian Warriors,” Claude Berube interview with Erik Prince, CIMSEC (2013).
The Aden Effect: A Connor Stark Novel by Claude Berube, Naval Institute Press (2012).
.Syren’s Song: A Connor Stark Novel, by Claude Berube, Naval Institute Press (2015). 

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

Sea Control 220 – On Contested Shores with B.A. Friedman & Timothy Heck

By Walker Mills

Tim Heck and Brett Friedman join the podcast for a great discussion about their new book, On Contested Shores: The Evolving Role of Amphibious Operations in the History of Warfare. Heck and Friedman talk about historical and future amphibious operations and provide a glimpse into the future of amphibiosity in the Marine Corps.

Download Sea Control 220 – On Contested Shores with B.A. Friedman & Timothy Heck


1.On Contested Shores: The Evolving Role of Amphibious Operations in the History of Warfare, edited by Tim Heck and B.A. Friedman, Marine Corps University Press, 2020.
2. 21st Century Ellis: Operational Art and Strategic Prophecy for the Modern Era, by B.A. Friedman, Naval Institute Press, 2015.
3. Tactics: A Theory of Victory in Battle, by B.A. Friedman, Naval Institute Press, 2017.
4. From the Cold War to ISIL: One Marine’s Journey, by Jason Q. Bohm, Naval Institute Press, 2019.

Walker Mills is a Co-Host of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact the podcast team at [email protected].

Sea Control 219 – USCG Commandant Admiral Karl Schultz

By Walker Mills

Sea Control 219. Commandant of the United States Coast Guard Admiral Karl Schultz joins Sea Control’s Walker Mills to talk about the recent Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Strategic Fishing Strategic Outlook and the 2019 Arctic Strategic Outlook. Admiral Schultz discusses balancing the Coast Guard’s missions and resources, innovation in the force, and the Coast Guard’s role in great power competition.

Download Sea Control 219 – USCG Commandant Admiral Karl Schultz


1. “Arctic Strategic Outlook,” United States Coast Guard, April 2019.
2. “Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing Strategic Outlook,” United States Coast Guard, September 2020.
3. “White Ships for the Gray Zone,” by Capt. Walker Mills, USNI Proceedings, February 2020.
4. “In the Arctic, Look to the Coast Guard,” by Capt. Walker Mills, USNI Proceedings, August 2020.
5. “The Coast Guard Needs to Listen – Acoustically,” by LTJG Thomas Caero, USNI Proceedings, August 2020.
6. “Bring Back Coast Guard Sub Hunters,” by David Van Dyk, USNI Proceedings, September 2020.
7. “The U.S. Coast Guard Should Guard the U.S. Coasts,” by LCDR Brian Hayes, USNI Blog, September 21, 2020.

Walker Mills is Co-Host of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact the Sea Control team at [email protected].

Sea Control 218 – Coastal Insecurity, Ansar al-Sunnah, and Women in Maritime Security with Kelly Moss & Lexie Van Buskirk

By Walker Mills

Kelly Moss and Lexie Van Buskirk join Sea Control Podcast co-host Walker Mills for a conversation about their recent work for Stable Seas and Our Secure Future on Ansar Al-Sunna, maritime insecurity in Africa, and gender perspectives in the maritime security space.

Sea Control 218 – Coastal Insecurity, Ansar al-Sunnah, and Women in Maritime Security with Kelly Moss & Lexie Van Buskirk


1. “Crippled Capacity: How Weak Maritime Enforcement Emboldened Ansar Al-Sunna,” by Kelly Moss, CIMSEC, October 2, 2020.
2. “A Hop, Skip and A Jump: Ansar Al-Sunna’s Island-Hopping,” by Kelly Moss, Stable Seas, October 13, 2020.
3. “Soft Targets & Black Markets: Terrorist Activities in the Maritime Domain,” by Meghan Curran, Stable Seas, May 23, 2019.
4. “Violence at Sea: How Terrorists, Insurgents and Other Extremists Exploit the Maritime Domain,” by Meghan Curran, Christopher Faulkner, Curtis Bell, Tyler Lycan, Michael Van Ginkel and Jay Benson, Stable Seas, August 11, 2020.
5. “Charting a New Course: Women, Peace and Security, and the Maritime Domain,” by Lexie Van Buskirk, Sahana Dharmapuri, Pamela Tansey, Our Secure Future, August 12, 2020.

Walker Mills is a Co-Host of the Sea Control podcast.

Contact the podcast team at [email protected].