All posts by Jared Samuelson

Sea Control 152: Bryan McGrath and Mitch McGuffie on Surface Navy Training

By Jared Samuelson

In advance of the Surface Navy Association gathering outside Washington, Bryan McGrath (@ConsWahoo) and Mitch McGuffie(@Mitch_McGuffie) join Jared (@jwsc03) to revisit Mitch’s 2009 article, “A Rude Awakening,” to discuss its impact on Surface Warfare Officer Training and discuss the current state of training.

Download Sea Control 152: Bryan McGrath and Mitch McGuffie on Surface Navy Training

Referenced Material and Show Notes

A Rude Awakening,” Mitch McGuffie’s 2009 article details his experiences as a junior exchange officer aboard a Royal Navy frigate.

What Happened to Our Surface Forces,” CAPT Kevin Eyer’s (ret.) 2018 article detailing Surface Navy decision-making since 1999 and its resultant effects.

The collected USNI works of CAPT John Cordle (ret.), prodigious chronicler of the Surface Navy. 

Circles in Surface Warfare Training” by Steve Wills

Jared Samuelson is the producer of CIMSEC’s Sea Control podcast. Contact him at

Sea Control 151: CIMSEC Fiction Week with Ian Brown

By Jared Samuelson

In the wake of CIMSEC’s Short Story Fiction Week, two of the authors, The Krulak Center’s (@TheKrulakCenter) Ian Brown (@ian_tb03) and Sea Control producer Jared Samuelson (@jwsc03), break down what we can learn from the Fiction Week’s stories about the future of warfare, the obsessive focus on China, and which story kept them awake at night.

Download Sea Control 151: CIMSEC Fiction Week with Ian Brown

Referenced Material and Show Notes

Destination Unknown, Vol I., the first graphic novel of short stories about future war released by the Krulak Center via Marine Corps University Press.

A New Conception of War by Ian T. Brown

Jared Samuelson is the producer of CIMSEC’s Sea Control podcast. Contact him at

The Return of the Sea Control Podcast

By Jared Samuelson

Sea Control! Our podcast dedicated to all things maritime security makes its triumphant return. New host Jared Samuelson introduces himself and provides a brief preview of the new format. Plus: great music by Kimber’s Men!

Download The Return of the Sea Control Podcast Teaser Here

Jared Samuelson is a career U.S. Navy Surface Warfare Officer. He previously commanded USS Whirlwind (PC 11). He produces and hosts CIMSEC’s Sea Control podcast. His work has appeared on CIMSEC and War on the Rocks.