All posts by Jared Samuelson

Sea Control 246 – Beyond Static Spatial Management with Dr. Guillermo Ortuño Crespo and Andrea Galassi

By Jared Samuelson

Dr. Guillermo Ortuño Crespo and Andrea Galassi join the show for a wide-ranging discussion on fisheries management, the difficulties caused by decades-old policy instruments, the increasing industrialization of the fishing industries, and potential management solutions for the future.

Download Sea Control 246 – Beyond Static Spatial Management with Dr. Guillermo Ortuño Crespo and Andrea Galassi


1. “Beyond static spatial management: Scientific and legal considerations for dynamic management in the high seas,” by Guillermo Ortuño Crespo et al, Marine Policy, Vol. 122, December 2020.
2. “An ocean of surprises – Trends in human use, unexpected dynamics and governance and challenges in areas beyond national jurisdiction,” by Andrew Merrie et al, Global Environmental Change, Vol 27, July 2014.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Reach him at [email protected].

Sea Control 245 – Chinese Command and Control with Andrew Scobell

By Jared Samuelson

In late 2020, the RAND Corporation published the first of what should eventually be a series of studies on command and control in the U.S. and Chinese navies, “Command and Control in U.S. Naval Competition with China.” One of its authors, Andrew Scobell, joins the program to compare and contrast the philosophies underpinning American and Chinese naval command and control, China’s recent power projection efforts, and potential future research efforts. 

Download Sea Control 245 – Chinese Command and Control with Andrew Scobell


1. “Command and Control in U.S. Naval Competition with China,” by Kimberly Jackson, Andrew Scobell, Stephen Webber, and Logan Ma, RAND, 2020.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control Podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

Sea Control 242 – Selling Seapower with Dr. Ryan Wadle and RDML Paula Dunn

By Jared Samuelson

Author Dr. Ryan Wadle joins the podcast alongside the Navy’s Vice Chief Information Officer, Rear Admiral Paula Dunn, to discuss his book, Selling Seapower: Publication Relations and the U.S. Navy 1917-1941, the Navy’s relationship with the public, the press, and parallels to today.

Sea Control 242 – Selling Seapower with Dr. Ryan Wadle and RDML Paula Dunn


2. Testing American Sea Power: U.S. Navy Strategic Exercises, 1923-1940, by Craig C. Felker, Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History, 2013. 

3. To Train the Fleet for War: The U.S. Navy Fleet Problems, 1923-1940, by Albert Nofi, Naval War College Press, 2010.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

Sea Control 240 – Ever Given: The Ship That Launched 1,000 Memes with Dr. Sal Mercogliano

By Jared Samuelson

Dr. Sal Mercogliano joins us to discuss what happened with Ever Given, the impact of blocking the Suez Canal, details of the salvage operation, the complexities of modern logistics, and his favorite memes!

Download Sea Control 240 – Ever Given: The Ship That Launched 1,000 Memes with Dr. Sal Mercogliano


1. Dr. Sal Mercogliano’s Youtube Series on Ever Given
2. “Adrift: COVID-19 and the Safety of Seafarers, by Joshua Tallis, Cornell Overfield, Kevin Inks & Cherie Rosenblum, Center for Naval Analyses, October 2020.
3. “CSCL Indian Ocean finally refloated after running aground in the Elbe,” by Mike Wackett, The Loadstar, September 2, 2016. 

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

Featured Image by Tim Choi