CFAR 2020

By Jimmy Drennan

On August 27, 2020, CIMSEC held its annual CIMSEC Forum for Author and Readers (CFAR), in partnership with the Center for Naval Analyses (CNA). This annual event brings readers together with their favorite CIMSEC authors over the preceding year. Authors discussed the articles the readers nominated and voted for, and engaged in question and answer sessions after their presentations. For the first time ever, CFAR was held online, which gave many more individuals an opportunity to participate. Esteemed podcast hosts Alex, Drach, and Jamie from our new Bilge Pumps podcast also joined us to help kick off the event.

Below you can find the replay (plus the access password), the timestamps for each author’s session, and links to their respective articles. We hope you enjoy!

Click Here to Watch the Replay 

Replay Events

0:00-4:30 – Welcome
4:30-18:45 – Introduction and discussion by The Bilge Pumps
20:20-42:00 “Star Gazing: Why Do We Have So Many Flag Officers?” by James L. McClane and Kevin Eyer
42:00-56:30 “Reflecting the Law of the Sea: In Defense of the Bay of Bengal’s Grey Area”  by Cornell Overfield
57:50-1:17:00 – “Clausewitz, Corbett and Corvettes,” by Sascha Rackwitz
1:17:00-1:39:00 “How China has Overtaken Japan in Naval Power and Why it Matters,” by Toshi Yoshihara
1:39:00-2:02:00 “The Future of Aircraft Carriers: Consider the Air Wing, Not the Platform,” by Robert Rubel
2:02:00-2:03:21 – Closing Remarks

Jimmy Drennan is the President of CIMSEC. Contact him at [email protected].

Fostering the Discussion on Securing the Seas.