All posts by Jared Samuelson

Sea Control 471 – British Coastal Forces with Andrew Young

By Jared Samuelson

Andrew Young joins the program to discuss the history and future of British coastal forces. Andy is the Fellowship Director at the Royal Navy Strategic Studies Centre. His research interests include the development of amphibious doctrine and British strategic history.

Download Sea Control 471 – British Coastal Forces with Andrew Young


1. (Re)Learning Old Tricks: The Royal Navy’s Coastal Forces Squadron, by Richard Skelton and Andrew Young, RUSI, July 6, 2023.   
2. Sea Control 421 – Uncommon Courage: Yachtsmen Volunteers of World War 2 with Julia Jones, CIMSEC, March 23, 2023.
3. Sea Control 458 – Destroyer Diplomacy with Dr. Jayne Friend, CIMSEC, August 31, 2023.
4. Sea Control 421 – Uncommon Courage: Yachtsmen Volunteers of World War 2 with Julia Jones, CIMSEC, March 23, 2023.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Jim Jarvie.

Sea Control 470 – Europe’s Underwater Environment with Elio Calcagno and Michelangelo Freyrie

By Jared Samuelson

Elio Calcagno and Michelangelo Freyrie join the program to discuss the European undersea environment, security, and defense.

Elio is Researcher in the Defence Programme at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). Michelangelo is a junior researcher in IAI’s Defence and Security Programs.

Download Sea Control 470 – Europe’s Underwater Environment with Elio Calcagno and Michelangelo Freyrie


1. “The Underwater Environment and European Defence and Security,” edited by Elio Calcagno and Alessandro Marrone, Istituto Affari Internazionali, June 13, 2023.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Johann Porisch.

Sea Control 468 – Airborne ASW with Mike Glynn

By Jared Samuelson

Mike Glynn joins the podcast to discuss the history and future of airborne anti-submarine warfare. Mike is a veteran U.S. Navy submarine hunting pilot. He has logged 2,500 flight hours during multiple deployments worldwide and holds qualifications in the P-8A, P-3C, and T-45C aircraft. He has served as an anti-submarine warfare mission commander, instructor pilot, submarine operations planner, and anti-submarine warfare watch officer.

Download Sea Control 468 – Airborne ASW with Mike Glynn


1. Airborne Anti-Submarine Warfare From the First World War to the Present Day, by Michael E. Glynn, Frontline Books, May 15, 2022.
2. Fighter Combat – Tactics and Maneuvering, by Robert Shaw, United States Naval Institute Press, 1985.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Brendan Costello.

Sea Control 466 – Deliberate Campaigning in the Pacific with Benjamin Van Horrick and Steven Bancroft

By Jared Samuelson

Benjamin Van Horrick and Steven Bancroft discuss their work in the Pacific with Task Force 76/3 and re-imagining command and control relationships.

Benjamin is a Marine Corps logistics officer, and the current logistics operations officer for Task Force 76/3. Steven is the future operations officer for TF 76/3.

Download Sea Control 466 – Deliberate Campaigning in the Pacific with Benjamin Van Horrick and Steven Bancroft


1. “A Strait Too Far: How a Deliberate Campaigning Approach in the Pacific Can Make Beijing Think Twice,” by Benjamin Van Horrick, War on the Rocks, June 5, 2023.
2. “Creating a Sea Change: TF 76/3, Adaptation, Experimentation, and the Joint Force,” by Steven Bancroft and Benjamin Van Horrick, Modern War Institute, March 1, 2023.

3. “The Complicated Legacy of Jean Larteguy’s “The Centurions” and America’s Post-9/11 Wars,” by Benjamin Van Horrick, Modern War Institute, August 30, 2023.
4. The Chinese Invasion Threat, by Ian Easton, Eastbridge Books, April 2019.

Jared Samuelson is Co-Host and Executive Producer of the Sea Control podcast. Contact him at [email protected].

This episode was edited and produced by Addison Pellerano.