The NightTrain: Unmanned Expeditionary Logistics for Sustaining Pacific Operations

Pitch Your Capability Topic Week By CDR Todd Greene “It is very clear to me that logistics, among the warfighting functions, is the one that we need to make the most progress on right now…My number one focus is logistics, logistics, logistics.” –General David Berger, Commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps, May 23, 2023. During … Continue reading The NightTrain: Unmanned Expeditionary Logistics for Sustaining Pacific Operations

Every Ship a SAG and the LUSV Imperative

By Lieutenant Kyle Cregge, USN The US Navy’s strike capacity is shrinking. As highlighted in Congressional testimony with senior leaders, the Surface Navy is set to lose 788 Vertical Launch System (VLS) cells through the end of the Davidson Window in 2027. This 8.85% of current Surface Navy VLS capacity represents the equivalent of eight … Continue reading Every Ship a SAG and the LUSV Imperative

Calling in Thunder: Naval Intelligence Enabling Precision Long-Range Fires

Naval Intelligence Topic Week By Lieutenant Commander Gerie Palanca, USN “The essential foundation of all naval tactics has been to attack effectively by means of superior concentration, and to do so first, either with longer-range weapons, an advantage of maneuver, or shrewd timing based on good scouting.”—Captain Wayne P. Hughes, U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Michael … Continue reading Calling in Thunder: Naval Intelligence Enabling Precision Long-Range Fires

Wargaming at the Academy: Why Invest in NHWL and Building A Culture of Wargaming 

By M. Scott Bond The reemergence of peer competition suggests the naval services may not operate in the same manner or with the same freedom as they have in recent decades. In response, the Navy and Marine Corps are developing new operational concepts which embrace distributed warfare, which pushes command and capabilities down the organizational chain. As such, … Continue reading Wargaming at the Academy: Why Invest in NHWL and Building A Culture of Wargaming